股市基本定律哈特定理与反射理论(The fundamental laws of the stock market Harts theorem and the theory of reflection).doc

股市基本定律哈特定理与反射理论(The fundamental laws of the stock market Harts theorem and the theory of reflection).doc

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股市基本定律哈特定理与反射理论(The fundamental laws of the stock market Harts theorem and the theory of reflection)

股市基本定律哈特定理与反射理论(The fundamental laws of the stock market Harts theorem and the theory of reflection) Through the inherent linkage between asset specificity and property right allocation efficiency, the formation mechanism of integrated scale economy is revealed. The principle of property rights allocation in relation to specific assets is called the Hart theorem in economics. There is also a Hart theorem in social science. It was a prediction law studied by American meteorologist Hart in the early twentieth Century, when the laws of social science were found to be invalid after a certain period of use. Now we are going to focus on the Hart theorem in the social sciences that have important implications for our stock market research. Simply put, a certain stable approach to profit in the stock market may exist or may be discovered by us. But any method and rule has its own life cycle, and there is no golden rule forever. Once we think weve found the key to open the market, someone will replace the lock of the door. Gann is at the beginning of twentieth Century Americas most famous speculator, he accurately predicted skills and high transaction rate still unparalleled, so there is a transaction master title. Gann in youth because there are very confident of their own trading technology, publicly traded demonstration, let the public to watch, leaving some of the very credibility at the same time can let any time occupation investors are trading record as the acme of perfection. But the operation technology Gann fell greatly in old age benefits, that was his life, the main reason is that the analysis becomes too open and popular, seriously hurt the effectiveness. Professor Gram is the founder of the school of basic analysis, and is still regarded as the father of the school. But not long before Grams death in 1976, in his interview with the American financial analyst magazine, he declared that he no longer believed in the basic analysis genre, and finally believed in th


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