七匹狼的品牌策略解析(Analysis of Septwolves brand strategy).doc

七匹狼的品牌策略解析(Analysis of Septwolves brand strategy).doc

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七匹狼的品牌策略解析(Analysis of Septwolves brand strategy)

七匹狼的品牌策略解析(Analysis of Septwolves brand strategy) Analysis of Septwolves brand strategy Abstract: In the feudal lords vying for the throne of the tobacco industry, Longyan cigarette factory (hereinafter referred to as Longyan) the Septwolves brand is a shining star. Septwolves cigarette sales, from 1995 203.76 to 2003 132 thousand box, box, box and then to 220 thousand in 2004, is the blossom of sesame, success. In 2004, Septwolves brand selected the National Tobacco Monopoly Bureau released the 100 brand cigarette products catalog, to further improve the national cigarette market visibility and influence. The cigarette brands from many talent shows itself, Septwolves has its originality, this paper from the three aspects of origin, culture, marketing to analyze the Septwolves brand strategy. The extension of brand of Septwolves In 1990, the rich commercial tradition and love spell the spirit of the famous hometown of overseas Chinese - Fujian city of Jinjiang province in the southeast corner of Weitou Bay, seven carries the ideal and passion of young people co founded the Jinjiang clothing company, the production of Septwolves brand mens clothing. The name Septwolves, both with the Minnan Dialect seven people homophonic, and put the local customs in 78% lost nine. for the seven the number of auspicious symbol. From mid 1990s onwards, Septwolves brand gradually formed unique ethnic culture interpretation of male orientation, the characteristics of Septwolves brand, there is a natural relationship with men smoking. Then, in 1995, Longyan by boat to the sea to Jinjiang clothing company and Jinjiang tobacco companies will become Septwolves brand extension. This is a successful cross - industry brand extension. First, Septwolves fashion Septwolves cigarette, brand name, logo, brand personality, image similarity, two cross contrast and mutual interpretation, help to improve the Septwolves brand visibility and reputation. Second, with the development of tobacco control ca



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