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* 15FQ+ PDP测验 * 按奥尔波特的解释 * 王登峰,1995 美国的心理学家 * * Slide 8 – What the MBTI Identifies – introduces the concept of Mental Processes. The information below can help build on this slide. The MBTI uses four dimensions, each with two opposite preferences to identify a type code from which a model for preferring the eight cognitive processes can be extrapolated. The first dimension’s purpose is to identify one’s preferred focus for energy. Do you find focusing outside your body more energizing than focusing inside your body, or is the opposite true? The second dimension’s purpose is to identify one’s preferred focus when perceiving information. Are you more comfortable with the concrete facts and experiences, or do you find you are more comfortable focusing on the meanings, patterns and connections generated by the concrete data? The third dimension’s purpose is to identify one’s preferred focus when judging the facts, experiences, meanings, patterns and connections perceived. Do you find yourself trusting logic and reason, or do you find using personal relationships and values more comfortable? The fourth dimension’s purpose is to identify if you prefer to relate to others and the world around you using your preferred perceiving process or your preferred judging process. 《黄帝内经·灵枢》中根据阴阳五行学说把人的某些心理特点与生理解剖特点联系起来。按阴阳的强弱,分为太阴、少阴、太阳、少阳,阴阳平和五类人,每种类型具有不同的体质形态和心理特点。又根据五行法则把人分为金、木、水、土五种类型,也各有不同的肤色、毛发、筋骨特点和情感特点,用来说明人的个别差异。 据巴普洛夫的研究 原苏联心理学家达维多娃曾用一个故事形象的描述 另一个例子:不同气质类型的同学在寝室中做了好事后的表现。。。 面具 * * 2.由因素分析建构的量表 卡特尔16人格因素问卷是由因素分析法找出16个根源特质而编制的,共187个题。 16PF例题: ①?在接受困难任务时,我总是: A.有独立完成的信心;B.不确定;C.希望有别人的帮助和指导。 ②?我的神经脆弱,稍有点刺激就会使我战惊: A.时常如此;B.有时如此;C.从不如此。 ③?我喜欢从事需要精密技术的工作: A.是的;B 介于A、C之间;C.不是的。 * * 3.人格类型说测验 例:EPQ 把复杂的人格化简为两个重要的维度:内外倾性、稳定性 这两种维度可以构成一个直角坐标系,两个维度上不同程度的表现 可组成4种类型的人格,对应于坐标系上的4个象限 每一个象限里都组织有许多有一定相互关系的特质 * * 人格类型说测验 例:MBTI MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) 性格自测问卷,由Katherine Cook Briggs (1875-1968) 和其女Isabel Briggs Myers据瑞士心理分析学家Carl G. Jung (荣格)的心理类型理论和她们对于人类性格差异的长期观察和研究而


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