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民和喇家遗址碳十四测年及初步分析 张雪莲  叶茂林  仇士华  钟  建 关键词:喇家遗址  碳十四测年  灾难事件  齐家文化 KEYWORDS: Lajia Site 14C Dating Disaster Incidents Qijia Culture ABSTRACT: The Lajia Site in Minhe County, Qinghai is a very important prehistoric disaster site; this prehistoric settlement was destroyed by earthquake and flood and the tragic scenes made by the disasters at the moment when they were occurring were preserved to the present. The archaeological researches showed that the disasters which destroyed this settlement occurred at the time of Qijia Culture and the discovery and excavation of this site provided new data for the in-depth exploration and systematic research on Qijia Culture. Since the beginning of the excavation, the 14C Laboratory of the Center for Scientific Archaeology, IA, CASS has been attending the fieldwork and made 14C dating tests to the charcoal and bone samples gathered in the excavation. Based on the archaeological researches on Lajia Site and referring to the 14C dating data accumulated in the long period, this paper discussed the date of the occurrence of the disasters in Lajia Site and the duration of Qijia Culture in Lajia Site. The dating research shows that the Qijia Culture lasted for over 300 years in Lajia Site and the disasters happened around 1900 BC. 来的庞贝古城。遗址的一处房址中还发现了 前    言 被倒扣在一个陶碗中的面条遗存。据悉,这 喇家遗址位于青海省民和县南端,面积 应该是所发现的史前人类遗留下来的最早的 约50万平方米。中国社会科学院考古研究所 面条,这一发现引起了国际上的关注[4]。喇 与青海省文物考古研究所合作开展“官亭盆 家遗址这些重要的事件具体发生在何时,所 地古遗址群考古研究”的过程中对该遗址进 处的是一个怎样的时代呢? 行了发掘与研究[1]。1999年进行试掘,2000 喇家遗址属齐家文化。齐家文化因首次 [2] [5]  年开始较大规模的发掘 ,到2007年,遗址 发现于甘肃省广河县齐家坪遗址而得名 。关 中先后发现了壕沟、房址、广场、窖穴、灰 于这


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