大学生交往与人际关系伦理(College Students communication and interpersonal ethics).doc

大学生交往与人际关系伦理(College Students communication and interpersonal ethics).doc

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大学生交往与人际关系伦理(College Students communication and interpersonal ethics)

大学生交往与人际关系伦理(College Students communication and interpersonal ethics) TECHNOLOGY Abstract: This paper analyzes the importance of interpersonal relationship in college students growth, The general concept of ethics is based on this, Discussion and analysis are made on how to correctly deal with the relationship between the opposite sex and how to conduct online communication. Ninety-one Occupation technology VOCATIONAL College Students communication and interpersonal ethics Generally speaking, it refers to the most basic line of morality in interpersonal communication The norm of universal natural law. This kind of behavior regulation is not easy to be expressly stated It is established and tends to rise with the general rise in moral standards Potential. It conforms to moral behavior norms and is a flexible constraint to peoples communicative behavior, It is different from the rigid restriction of law to human behavior. Because interpersonal ethics is a flexible constraint to the norms of peoples communication, Therefore, it often does not arouse the attention of contemporary college students, thus creating the Contemporary University Appear awkward or difficult in communication, and even violate morals and break the law. The following combination of years of experience in education work, college students on the exchanges Talking about several phenomena of interpersonal ethics. Correct understanding, fair and just communication In contemporary society, especially in contemporary college campuses, AA is very popular The word. However, in the exchanges of college students, truly AA is. A harder thing to do. The two sides can not realize the real AA, so often Arouse ones dissatisfaction with the other party, and also make the exchanges between the two parties appear unpleasant In the dormitory, a classmate often buys fruit to eat, inevitable meeting has its Interpersonal relationships are given How to make fair and just contact with college students? Education Forum 20



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