
Unit 12 Weather 教案1.doc

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Unit 12 Weather 教案1

Module 4 Unit 12 教案1 一、教学重点 词汇:rainy,windy,sunny,cloudy 句型:How’s the weather? It’s warm and sunny. 二、教学栏目 Listen and say, Look and learn, Listen and enjoy 三、教学目标 1.帮助学生学习Look and learn的单词 2.通过Listen and say的情景对话,帮助学生学习本单元的核心句型How’s the weather? 3.初步运用核心句型询问天气。 四、教学步骤 Pre-task preparations 1.出示四季的图片,让学生回答问题,复习已学的知识。 T: Look at the picture. What season is it? S1: It’s winter. T: How’s the weather in winter? Is it hot? S2: No, it’s cold. T: What do you like doing in winter? S3: I like skating on the ice and making snowmen. 2.播放Listen and enjoy的多媒体动画,让学生关注天气的变化。根据图片提问,引出本单元的话题。 1)What season is it? (It’s summer.) 2)How’s the weather? It’s sunny/rainy. While-task procedures 1.出示Look and learn的单词卡片,让学生跟读并拼读单词。 T: (show the flashcard for cloudy)Cloudy. C-L-O-U-D-Y, cloudy. Ss: Cloudy. C-L-O-U-D-Y, cloudy. 2.词汇巩固。通过Read and clap,Look and say,Read and spell等方法学习词汇。 Read and clap: T: (show the flashcard for sunny)Rainy? Ss: (clap hands) T: (show the flashcard for rainy)Rainy? Ss: Rainy. Look and say: T: (show some flashcards for the new words) S1/S2: (have a match to see who says the word faster)Rainy/Sunny/. . . Read and spell: S1: Sunny. S2: S-U-N-N-Y, sunny. 3.出示Listen and say的图1,引入新句型。 T: (point to Picture l) How’s the weather? It’s rainy. 根据Listen and say中其他三幅图片提问,学生根据课文回答,如果学生不能回答,老师可以直接根据图片给出答句。 T: (point to Picture 2)How’s the weather? Ss: It’s windy. T: (point to Picture 3) How’s the weather? Ss: It’s sunny. ... 然后播放Listen and say的录音,让学生跟读对话。 4.将挂图贴在黑板上,指着不同的天气图片,与学生进行句型操练。 T: How’s the weather? Ss: It’s warm and windy. 可以模拟天气播报员,集体问天气,个别学生根据老师所指的图片回答。 Ss: How’s the weather? S1: It’s cloudy/rainy … Post-task activities 1.Chain dialogue对话接龙。一个学生举一张天气卡片提问,后面一个学生回答,然后该学生再拿一张卡片问下一个人,一个个轮流问答。 S1: (show the flashcard for cloudy)How’s the weather? S2: It’s cloudy. How’s the weather? (show the flashcard for sunny) S3: It’s sunny. How’s the weather? (show the flashcard for windy) S4: It’s windy. 2.将挂图贴在黑板上,让学生根据天气选择穿着的衣服或合适的活动,进行连线,并回答问题。 T: How’s the weat


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