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Unit 1 Lesson 3 How Are You 教案 3
Unit 1 Lesson 2 How Are You?
Teaching aims
1. 会用和别人打招呼问好的句子 How are you?
2. 会用回答别人问好的句子:Fine.或者I’m fine.
3. 学会表达朋友关系的句子:You are my friend.
Key points
1. Words: how, are, you, fine, thank, good, friend, Tom, and
2. Sentences: How are you?
Fine, thank you.
3. Song: Apple Tree
4. Letters: J j K k L l
Teaching aids
Teaching Procedures
1、Say “Hello” to the students.
热情的和学生打招呼:”Hello, boys and girls. Good morning!” “How are you today”等等问候语。教师给学生打招呼时要热情,充满激情,并且不失亲和力。 “Now, let’s do a warming up”. Let’s play a game. I say Hello, you say Hi.教师一定要做示范;时间不能占用很多。
单词操练:通过游戏Touch and say/Jump and say/High and low voice游戏操练单词
Review all the words:游戏:Flash cards. 顾及到全班学生。
Period one: English Black-board writing
Period two: Let’s Listen and Check
First of all. Look at the picture and explain it. This is Spot/Kitty. Are they good friend? 结合背景图进行。
导入句子:Spot is a dog.
Spot is Kitty’s friend.
Teacher gives the questions:Who loves the fish? Who loves apples? 每个学生都有回答问题的机会
Finish the listening practice.
Teacher corrects them.听力练习做好引导,降低难度。
2.Ask some questions before listening to the tape : 课文里是谁在说话呢?它们说了些什么?小朋友要仔细听。让学生带着问题听录音。
Listen the tape twice with the questions the teacher has given。第一遍听完后,老师再次强调问题,第二遍老师边听边翻译句子e.g. Hello, hello, how are you? 意思就是你好,你好,你好吗? 听完后请学生回答,给回答对的学生及时给与奖励。教师在翻译句子的时候不要直接告诉句子的含义,可以通过提示让学生猜出意思。
听碟片模仿里面主人公的声音: Practice the sentences through games:句子接龙等游戏。句子接龙游戏是分组进行的,教师要在做游戏前强调团队合作意识。出现排外情况要及时地恰当处理。
3.Teacher write the key words on the board让学生结合板书熟悉对话。
给学生5-10分钟根据提示准备表演的内容。5-10分钟后老师问学生Are you ready?如果学生准备好了课文,可接下来让学生上台表演,如果学生还不能表演所准备的内容,可以追加部分时间。
Divide the students into groups and let them act out the dialogue in front of the class.教师做好引导工作并且对学生发音进行及时的纠音。
Learning the letters:Jj Kk Ll。要求学生按英文书写的格式进行书写。注意四线三格的书写格式。教师要清楚书写规范。
4.教师请一位同学做示范,见面打招呼”Hello, how are you?” “I’m fine, than