cad常用命令符(CAD commonly used command characters).doc

cad常用命令符(CAD commonly used command characters).doc

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cad常用命令符(CAD commonly used command characters)

cad常用命令符(CAD commonly used command characters) Right click on the toolbar, tools - Options - configuration - reset, or command: MENULOAD command Then click browse and select ACAD.MNC to load; if you are using the 2006 version of CAD, the direct CTRL+9 is on Sure。 If the toolbar in AUTOCAD is gone, Right click on the toolbar, Or tools -- options -- configuration -- reset, You can also use the command: MENULOAD command, Then click browse and select ACAD.MNC to load. The toolbar is missing most because: 1. closes all toolbars; the 2. menu file is missing. The first situation is dealt with: 1. click the menu view toolbar, (corresponding to command toolbar), pop up the toolbar dialog box, and select ACAD dishes For a single group, tick the toolbar you want on the left side of the toolbar. 2., or click the menu tools - Options - configuration - reset, reload, you can reset the value in the selected configuration to the system Default settings. In the second case, you can use the MENU command, and then click Browse to find the folder where the menu file is located, and select the appropriate dish A single set of files, such as ACAD.MNC, can be loaded (MNU will recompile). L, *LINE line ML, *MLINE multiline (create multiple parallel lines) PL, *PLINE, polyline PE, *PEDIT edit polyline SPL, *SPLINE spline curves SPE, *SPLINEDIT editing spline curves XL, *XLINE construct lines (create infinite lines) A, *ARC arc C, *CIRCLE circle DO, *DONUT rings EL, *ELLIPSE ellipse PO, *POINT points DCE, *DIMCENTER center mark POL, *POLYGON regular polygon REC, *RECTANG rectangle REG, *REGION surface domains H, *BHATCH pattern fill BH, *BHATCH pattern fill -H, *HATCH HE, *HATCHEDIT pattern fill... (modify a pattern or gradient fill) SO, *SOLID 2D fill (create solid filled triangles and quads) *revcloud revised the cloud line *ellipse elliptic arc DI, *DIST distance ME, *MEASURE fixed distance equal DIV, *DIVIDE, fixed number equal DT, *TEXT, single line text T, *MTEXT multiline text -T, *-M



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