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境内注册公司股权出资 Capital injection by equity stock of domestically incorporated companies 新华社北京2 月2 日电 (记者张晓松) By Zhang Xiao-song Xinhua News Agency, Beijing 2nd February 2009 中国税务及投资顾问有限公司 A Courtesy Translation by China Tax & Investment Consultants Limited . 国家工商行政管理总局日前公布了 《股权出资登记管理办法》,自2009 年3 月1 日起实施。工商总局企业注册局负责人2 日就这一办法的有关情况回答了记 者的提问。 A few days ago the State Administration of Industry and Commerce (the SAIC) announced the “Administrative Measure for the Registration of Capital Contribution by Equity Stock” (the Administrative Measure) effective as from 1st March 2009. The responsible official replied to questions raised by the media reporter on 2nd February 2009. 问:股权出资对促进投资和企业发展有什么积极作用? Q: What positive role does the use of stock in capital injection/contribution have played in promoting investment and the development of enterprises? 答:股权是一种重要的财产权,是公司股东按投入公司的资本额所拥有的参 与公司重大决策、享受财产利益并可依法转让的权利。 A: Stock equity is an important property right. It is the legal right for the stock contributor to participate in the major decision making of the Company to the extent of the equity brought in, to receive returns on investment and transfer of the equity interest in accordance with the law. 允许投资人以股权出资,一是能够丰富股权权能,通过激活股东已往投入到 公司所形成资产,增加股权利用的渠道,同时降低转让的交易成本,有效调动投 资人的积极性,促进投资;二是通过资本链条的纽带作用,可以在维系投资人对 原有公司和产业的影响力控制力的同时,实现投资向新的领域和产业转移,为企 业优化产业结构,重组兼并,扩大规模,做大做强服务;三是通过促进投资创业 可以带动就业,减轻社会就业压力,实现经济稳定增长。 The provision of capital contribution by equity stock can firstly enhance the utilization of the assets as represented by the brought-in capital, increase the ways for using stock capital, reduce the transaction costs in equity transfer, and motivate investors. Secondly, it can facilitate the movement of capital to new market and industry sectors, optimization of industrial structures, mergers, acquisit


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