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OLT认证配置:网络—远程管理—OLT认证 注:此处为OLT认证界面的展示。实际配置中,LOID即为后续文档中的注册界面的宽带账号,PASSWORD为后续文档中的注册界面的身份证号。若设备在OLT上通过MAC地址注册,则该界面可以不关注;若设备在OLT上通过LOID进行认证,则需要在此处通过局方提供的LOID在OLT上进行认证之后方可使数据通过OLT传输。 设备注册界面:登录界面—设备注册 1.此处输入局方提供的宽带账号(确切的说应该是LOID,称呼不一致但无影响)。 2.此处输入局方提供的对应账号的身份证号(也有称为注册密码,无影响),该身份证号如果ITMS平台未设置则不需要输入。之后点击注册。 设备注册状态界面:登录界面—设备注册 1.该界面为注册状态界面,等待注册,进度条到100%后则会跳转为注册成功界面,注册时建议不要点击“返回登录界面”按钮。 设备注册成功界面:登录界面—设备注册 1.设备注册完成之后会提示“已经注册成功,无需再注册”,此时等待设备从ITMS处同步配置,与此同时,不用对设备进行任何配置,一旦手动配置了设备上的通道,则会造成某一业务或所有业务下发不成功的情况。当完成所有的业务下发之后,进入设备所看到的各类配置应和手动配置保持一致。 From a troubleshooting perspective, the location of a fault can be located within a fairly large area, it is therefore important to know which fiber cable is exactly failing. FTTH (GPON, P2P,...) requires new fiber access infrastructure (passive and active equipment) but legacy test infrastructure not in place to realize expected OPEX savings Roll-out of passive and active equipment makes service activation more challenging Accumulation of fiber impairments typically lead to complete service interruption rather than service degradation Expanding Fiber network will result in significant increase of helpdesk calls PON network has tree topology, which is more challenging for localizing impairments than straight copper loop Although many test head vendors attempt to correlate standalone OTDR trace events with topology, the results are usually disappointing. It is for example very hard to keep topology databases up to data with the loss events for every splice or connector introduced. Faults can occur anywhere; Difficult to indentify and localize Digging activities cut or damage the fiber cable Maintenance activities introducing side effects (incompatible APC connectors, dirty connectors, ODF errors…) Subscriber premises fiber can get inadvertently tangled or disconnected Transceivers age and get broken Aerial cables and poles can be victim to woodpeckers or squirrel The fiber and Ethernet evolution promise integrated, simpler


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