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第31卷第5期 水摇 资摇 源摇 保摇 护 2015年9月 Vol.31No.5 WATER RESOURCES PROTECTION Sep. 2015 DOI:10.3880/ j.issn.1004 6933.2015.05.022 云南省城乡居民膳食消费的水足迹计算及评价 何开为,张代青,侯摇 瑨,李志勇 (昆明理工大学电力工程学院,云南 昆明摇 650500) 摘要:基于水足迹理论方法,计算分析云南省2005—2010 年城乡居民膳食消费水足迹。 利用 Shannon鄄Wiener指数评价此6年间城乡居民膳食结构水足迹的多样性特征,运用灰色关联法对各 类膳食食品消耗与膳食水足迹消耗总量进行关联度分析。 结果表明:每年城镇居民膳食消费水足 迹均高于农村居民;各类食物水足迹所占比例中,粮食和猪肉所占比例较大;城镇居民膳食结构水 足迹多样性明显高于农村居民,但农村居民膳食结构水足迹多样性总体呈上升趋势;粮食、猪肉、水 果的消费与水足迹消耗总量关联程度较高。 关键词:虚拟水;水足迹;膳食消费;多样性;关联分析;云南省 中图分类号:TV213.4摇 摇 摇 文献标志码:A摇 摇 摇 文章编号:1004 6933(2015)05 0114 05 Calculation and evaluation of water footprint about dietary consumption of urban and rural residents in Yunnan Province HE Kaiwei,ZHANG Daiqing,HOU Jin,LI Zhiyong (School of Electrical Engineering,Kunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming 650500,China) Abstract:Based onthetheoriesandmethodsofwaterfootprint,waterfootprintof dietaryconsumptionofurbanand rural residentsfrom2005 to2010 inYunnan Provincewascalculated and analyzed. The diversity feature of dietary consumption in the six years isevaluatedwith Shannon鄄Wiener index. The correlation betweentotal amountsof the consumption of all kinds of diet food and the consumption of water footprint is analyzed,using grey correlation method. The results show that urban residents爷 water footprint of dietary consumption was higher than rural residents爷;Grain and pork account for a larger proportion than other food water footprint;Urban residents爷water footprint of dietary structure was more diverse than rural residents爷,while there hasbeen a general uptrend in the diversity of rural residents爷 water footprint of dietary structure; Grain, pork and fruit consumption has stron


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