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59 R esear ch Pr ogr ess in High T emper atur e Electr ic Pr oper t ies o f For eign W av e-tr ansm it t ing M at er ials , , , ( , 100081 L I J in-gang , CA O M ao-sheng , ZHA N G Yo ng , L IN Hai-bo ( Scho ol o f Mat erial Science and Eng ineer ing , Beijing Inst itut e of T echno logy , Beijing 100081, China : , / / , : ; ; ; : T B332: A : 1001-4 38 1 ( 2005 02-0059-04 Abstract : T he pro gress of fo reig n w ave-t ransmit t ing m aterials during the past decades w as re- view ed . T he f act ors f or high temperature elect ric pr opert ies o f w av e-t ransm it t ing m at erials co m- bined w ith t ypical m at erial systems were analyzed . T he inf luence of m aterials fact or s on dielect ric propert ies is int rinsic, including st ruct ure/ micr ost ruct ure, component/ microelem ent , physical st ates and phases. On this basis, t he perspect ive of st udy o n w ave-t ransm it t ing w as proposed . Key words: w ave-t ransmit t ing mat erial ; radome; electr ic proper ties ; dielect ric co nstant [ 3] , 1. 1 ( , , [ 1] : 5 , , R F , , , , 8. 52G Hz : ( X ( 418 , = 2 . 95, t g= 1. 410- 3; 995 , = 5. 01, 20 50 , t g= 4. 210- 3 ,



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