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* 貳 、重要條文 16.Piling trash or other objects in the public areas of the residence halls, or any offence against public health   17.Violating the regulations of the Dormitory Service Committee 18.Violating the university’s Internet regulations or copyright laws in the utilization of dormitory internet facility 19.Wasting public resources, disrespecting public sanitation, disturbing the peace, or jeopardizing dorm safety. 貳 、重要條文 五、重大違規事項說明: 第二十四條 住宿學生有下列各款行為者,酌予記8 至10點處分: 一、於非訪客時間,擅自逗留非其居住之宿舍區。 二、於非訪客時間,擅自帶領非住宿生出入宿舍區。 三、新住宿學生無故不參加消防逃生演練者。 四、利用宿舍網路從事不法之行為或 嚴重違反學術網路之使用 規範者。 貳 、重要條文 Article 24 Students that commit the following will be given eight to ten penalty points: 1. Loitering in dormitory areas other than the one currently living in after visiting hours unauthorized. 2. Bringing in non-residents into dormitory areas after visiting hours unauthorized. 貳 、重要條文 3. New dorm residents that do not attend the fire safety drill. 4. Students that take part in illicit activities using the dorm Internet service or seriously violate the user regulations of the Taiwan Academic Network 貳 、重要條文 五、重大違規事項說明: 第二十五條 住宿學生有下列各款行為者,勒令退宿: 一、依第二十三條、第二十四條規定遭違規記點處分,其情節重大或累計處分記點達十點者。 二、頂讓床位、霸佔床位、不接受學校分配之室友進住者。 三、於宿舍內為偷竊、賭博、飲酒鬧事、吸毒或鬥毆者。 四、持有或存放危險物或違禁物者。 因前項事由遭退宿者,自退宿登記日起 一至三年內不得再為住宿申請。 貳 、重要條文 Students that commit the following will be asked to move out the dorms: 1. Students that accumulate ten or more penalty points according to Article 23 or 24, or whose error is of a serious nature. 2. Letting other people use your bed, forcibly occupying a bed, or not accepting the assignment of a new roommate. Article 25 貳 、重要條文 3. Stealing, gambling, drinking and raucous behavior, taking illegal drugs, and brawling in the dorms. 4. Possessing or placing dangerous or prohibited objects in the dorms. If you are asked to move out for any of the above, you will not be able to apply for the dorms for three years from the date yo


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