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语法笔记 语法规则第一条:单数可数名词不能单独存活,前面必须加冠词 例:I like the flower 或者I like flowers. 不能说I like flower. 黄金规则一: 谓语单一原则:一个句子有且只有一个谓语。双谓语,必有连接词[连词,关系代词、副词];反过来,如果出现了连词、关系代词、副词,就必须有第二个谓语。主句从句各有一个谓语。 黄金规则二: 在时间、条件、让步、方式壮语从句中,如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致,并且从句的谓语构成中有be动词,则从句的主语和be动词一块可以省略。 例:the building was ……….,when built…………。 Of 的用法:of 前面一定是名词。Of 的后面不一定非要是名词,但一般是名词。 简例:n1+of+n2 As的后面可以跟一个从句:eg: as good as she is 托福语法解题圣经: 不要怀疑题目出错 不要想方设法读懂题目 一定要把题目读完:因为最沙蔽的错误可能还在后头 副词修饰形容词,放在形容词前 副词一般不修饰名词 形容词修饰名词放在名词前 介词后面必有宾语 及物动词后面必须有宾语 形容词性的物主代词后面必须有名词:it(them)+of+( )必错:--〉their 10、关系代词在从句中必定作成分 作宾语的关系代词可以省略,作主语的关系代词永远不能省略 需要背熟的几个语法点: 6个动词可主动可被动: 1)主动+双宾: name +n1+n2; 2) 被动+n:n1+be -ed +n2 name, call/ appoint, elect, select/ consider consider的3个形式: 1)+双宾 consider sth+ sth/ as sth / to be sth 2)consider sth + adj 3) 被动+n: be considered +n 9701, 38. Most authorities consider both dreaming while sleep and daydreaming to be forms of fantasy. 9608,29. In The Sociology of Science, now considered a classic, Robert Merton discusses cultural, economy, and social forces that contributed to the development of modern science 9712na,27. The modern detective story in which a detective solves a crime by discovering and interpretation evidence, is considered to have originated with Edgar Allan Poes The Murders in the Rue Morgue 9805,13. Willa Cather considered her novel of life in nineteenth-century Nebraska, My Antonia,--- (A)was her best work (B) her best work (C) her best work it was (D) being her best work 9801,11 Colloquialisms,---of informal spoken language, are often considered inappropriate for more formal written language. (A) expression which are characteristic (B) which characteristic expressions (C) are expressions characteristic (D) expressions can be characteristic 0201,38. During the nineteenth century the molecular theory of matter was developed, which considered all matter to be composed of tiny, indivisible entity called molecules. 2. 6个状从引导词: when, while, if / although


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