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2014 年 6 月 图 学 学 报 June 2014 第 35 卷 第 3 期 JOURNAL OF GRAPHICS Vol.35 No.3 天然气管道大孔泄漏速率的建模与分析 陈 平, 梅华锋, 赵海林 (北京科技大学机械工程学院,北京 100083) 摘 要 :通过对天然气管道泄漏过程的分析,建立了气体的大孔泄漏模型。对大 孔泄漏过程存在的 3 种状态进行讨论分析,验证了在高压情况下只存在管内亚临界流、孔口 临界流和管内孔口都是临界流两种情况,在低中压情况下只存在管内亚临界流、孔口临界流 和管内孔口均为亚临界流两种情况,并且分析了不同泄漏点和不同压力情况下发生泄漏的速 率变化情况。采用本文的计算模型可以较好的计算出不同泄漏孔径的泄漏速率,为长输管道 的定量风险评价提供依据。 关 键 词:管道;泄漏速率;大孔泄漏;建模;分析 中图分类号:TE 873 文献标识码:A 文 章 编 号:2095-302X (2014)03-0486-04 Modeling and Analysis for the Big-hole Leakage Rate of Gas Pipeline Chen Ping, Mei Huafeng, Zhao Hailin (School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China) Abstract: Through the analysis on the progress of the leakage of gas pipeline,the calculating models of big-hole leakage are established. Based on the leakage process of big-hole ,the three kinds of state are discussed and analyzed. It is testified that, under the situations of high-pressure, there only exist two possible states, which are sub-critical flow in pipe and critical flow in orifice, or critical flow in pipe and orifice. While in the case of low and medium pressure, there only exists sub-critical flow in pipe, critical flow in orifice and sub-critical flow in pipe and orifice. The rate of leakage at different points is also analyzed. The leaky rate of different hole diameters can be well calculated by the models in the paper, and it provides basis for quantitative risk assessment of long gas pipeline.


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