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25 1 Vol25 No1 2010 1 Journal ofYunnanA griculturalUn iversity Jan2010 * 任列娇, 赵素梅, 胡 洪, 郭 雷, 高士争** (, , 650201) : , 2a, 2b 2x 4, , , : ; ; ; : S 8281 : A : 1004- 390X ( 2010) 01- 0124- 08 Surveys ofM yofiber Types and PorcineM eat Quality REN Liejiao, ZHAO Sum e,i HU Hong, GUO Le,i G AO Sh izheng ( Yunnan Key Laboratory of An mi al Nu trition and Feed Sciences, Yunnan Agricu lturalUn iversity, Kunm ing 650201, Ch ina) Abs tract: Myofiber types are classified into four types, wh ich are , 2a, 2b and 2x, accord ing to myosin heavy chain polymorph ismThe four fiber types represent fourm etabolic features that are slow oxidative type, fast oxidative type, fast glycolytic type and mediate typeIn this article, myofiber types from myofiber constitution, classification, characteristics and transformation w ere introduced. M eanwh ile, it is principal to expound how myofiber types affect the pork quality, and the factors in fluencing myofiber types. K ey w ord s: myosin; muscle fiber; meat quality; p ig 1 , () , , , , [ 1] , , , , [ 2] ,


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