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2007 6 ( ) J n. , 2007 21 2 Jo rnal of Nanchang Hangkong University( Nat ral Science) Vol. 21 No. 2 CO 2 , , ( 南昌航空大学, 江西 南昌 330063) [ ] ;CO ; 2 [ ] , CO , 2 , CO 2 , [ ] TG403 [ ] A [ ] 1001- 4926( 2007) 02- 0080- 04 Analysis of welding process stability in high speed CO2 arc welding LI Hai- zho , CHEN H an- ming, WANG Yo - tao (N anchang H angkong Univ ersity , Nanchang 330063, China) Key words: high- speedwelding; CO arc welding; short- circ iting transfer 2 Abstract: The electrical parameters of the short circ it transfer process in CO arc welding were meas red by means of welding q ality analyzer 2 of Hannover. The reg lar of the arc- time and short- circ iting transfer cycle time was investigated nder the high speed welding . The infl - ence of the short- circ it transfer parameters on the welding process stability in high speed CO welding were analyzed. Thro gh research of 2 c rrent and voltage waveforms in short- circ it period and arc period, the res lts show that the c rrent waveform control is an effective method to improve stability of welding process. , , CO 013~ 015 m/ 2 min, 110m/min , 3~ 4 , [ 1] , , [2] , , , , [3] , , ,


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