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Chapter 9 第9 章 Troubleshooting 故障排除 1 Printing unit 1 印刷机 1.1 Text displays / trouble-shooting 1.1 内容显示/故障排除 There is a basic distinction between operation messages and fault messages. 操作消息和故障信息之间存在着本质的区别。 □Operation messages 操作信息 - The operator receives information on settings and operational states in addition to missing operational pre-requisites. -除接收所缺少的操作先决条件之外,操作人员还接收与设置和操作状态有关的信息。 Press the RESET key once to exit from the operation messages display. 按一下重置键,退出操作信息显示。 □Fault messages 故障信息 - The operator receives information in order to quickly localise and resolve faults. Fault messages are always displayed, when a fault in the system has caused immediate interruption in operation. -操作人员接收信息的目的是为了快速地找到并解决故障。当系统中的故障已造成运行立即 中断,设备会一直显示故障信息。 After having remedied an error, clear the same by pressing the RESET button. You can then restart the unit or the line. 清除完一个错误之后,按下重置键清除错误。然后你可以重启装置或生产线。 Chapter 9 第9 章 Troubleshooting 故障排除 The following message will appear on the text display of the printing unit: 以下信息将出现在印刷机的内容显示上: Message/Fault a) Meaning b) Cause c) Effect Description/Help 信息/故障 a)含义 b)原因 c)结果 说明/帮助 50 Feeder: Message motor a) Protective switch has triggered, the Check hoses for sharp bends protection switch pressure compressed air generator at feeder is off. etc. generator a)保护开关已触发,送料机的压缩空气发生 查看软管的急弯的地方 50送料机:信息电机保护开 器关闭。 Change or clean air filter. 关 压力发生器 b) Overload. 更换或清洗空气过滤器 b)过载



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