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Filmstrip Elegant and exquisite details of the 27 European Look up a miracle仰望的奇迹 Stonehenge巨石阵 Parthenon帕特农神庙 Roman Arena罗马竞技场 Hadrian‘s Wall哈德良长城 Pantheon万神殿 Leaning Tower of Pisa比萨斜塔 Stonehenge ---迷失于历史的尘埃 Stonehenge the most incredible is the center of the boulders(巨石), these boulders are 8 meters high, with an average weight of 30 tons, however, surprised to find people, many weighing 7 tons of rock is in two or vertical (垂直的)Hengjia on the pillars(支柱). Parthenon ---灿烂阳光照耀的白昼 Parthenon is the largest temple dedicated to the goddess Athena(阿西娜,智慧女神), the Parthenon intent of the virgin Athena alias(处女). Not only the size of the most magnificent temple, located in the highest point of the Central Acropolis, the temple also kept one full of gold inlaid(镶嵌的) ivory(象牙的) Greek goddess Athena, the tallest (Phidias how to make). It began the construction of 447 BC, 9 years after the temple ceiling, and another 6 years after the completion of the carving, 1687, destroyed by war, now the only remaining traces. Roman Arena ---罗马千年的回响 Magnificent horse center was to please the Roman Colosseum triumphant return of the legionnaires(将领士兵) and to celebrate the great Roman Empire built. Colosseum does not lag behind(落后) the architectural design of the modern aesthetic(美学的) point of view, in fact, about 2,000 years later, every modern sports stadium some branded on more or less the design style of the Roman Colosseum . Today, through films and history books, we can more deeply feel the man and beast that took place between the cruel fights and games that all of this, just to bring the audience to sit out some of the original but savage(野蛮的) pleasure. Hadrians Wall ---罗马帝国曾经的荣耀 Hadrian‘s Wall protection and management of the complexity and difficulty of the operation is very impressive. It is fragmented(成碎片的) and not continuous across the phase 3 of the north of England in 12 counties and two county government administrative regions, 90% of lots are private prope



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