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摘要 随着我国汽车工业的快速发展,二手车交易成为了我国汽车交易中的重要组成部分,并且在我国经济的发展中具有重要地位。浙江是我国经济比较发达的地区,并且二手车的交易也比较活跃,但是在对二手车市场的管理依然存在诸多的问题。本文从文献资料的分析和研究入手,对浙江省二手车市场管理中的一些问题进行了研究和分析。针对目前市场上存在的交易标准、销售渠道、市场诚信、二手车评估和售后保障等方面存在的问题入手,提出高标准制定政策,规范性管理;拓宽交易渠道,合理确定税费;强化市场诚信,加强信息透明;建设二手车省级评估,引进专业性人才;以及完善售后服务,推进车辆置换的对策和建议。目的就是有效的促进浙江省二手车市场的有效管理提供借鉴。 关键词:浙江;二手车市场:问题;对策 Abstract With the rapid development of Chinas automobile industry, second-hand car trading has become an important part of Chinas automobile trading, and has an important position in the economic development of our country. Zhejiang is Chinas economically developed areas, and the second-hand car trading is more active, but there are still many problems in the management of the second-hand car market. This paper starts from the analysis and the research literature, some problems of Zhejiang Province, the second-hand car market in the management of research and analysis. In view of the existing problems at present on the market trading standards, sales channels, the integrity of the market, the second-hand car appraisal and customer service security problems, put forward the policy setting high standards, standardized management; expand the transaction channel, reasonable taxes; to strengthen the integrity of the market, strengthen the transparency of information; the construction of provincial assessment of second-hand car, the introduction of professional talents perfect after sale service; and promoting vehicle replacement, countermeasures and suggestions. Objective is to effectively promote the effective management of the second-hand car market in Zhejiang province to provide reference. Keywords: Zhejiang; the second-hand car market: problems; Countermeasures 目录 一、绪论 2 (一)研究背景和意义 2 (二)研究的内容和路径 3 二、浙江省二手车交易的基本现状 3 (一)基本概述 3 (二)杭州市场交易情况 3 (三)宁波市场交易情况 3 (四)温州市场交易情况 4 (五)浙江二手车交易现状分析 4 三、浙江二手车市场管理存在问题 5 (一)起点低,规范和管理不完善 5 (二)销售渠道单一,交易不规范 5 (三)市场诚信度差,信息透明度低 5 (四)二手车评估不健全,专业人才少 5 (五)售后缺乏保障,车辆置换艰难 6 四、浙江二手车市场管理对策 6 (一)高标准制定政策,规范性管理 6 (二)拓宽交易渠道,合理确定


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