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1.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words according to your understanding of the conversation. (Finish it by yourselves) 2.Check your answers in your own group. Susanna is becoming more and more1______ (interest) in China’s history these days. Kangkang told her something about the person 2_____ (name) Zheng He 3______ was born in 1371 and was a Ming dynasty4 _____(explore). We Chinese people were proud5 ___ him. He 6___ (lead) seven Ocean journeys from 1405 to 1433. He even succeeded in 7_____ (sail) to the 8____ coast of 9_____. His last ocean journey was more than a half century10 ____ (early) than Columbus’ first journey to America. 11_____ a great explorer! He is really the 12_____ (proud) of China. Match the phases with the translation 1.以……为骄傲 A. succeed in doing sth. 2. ……的骄傲 B. My pleasure 3.成功地做了某事 C. half a century 4.不客气 D. play an important part/role in 5.半个世纪 E. die of /from 6.在…中起重要作用/ 扮演重要角色 F. pass away 7.去世 G. the pride of… 8.死于 H. be proud of/ take pride in Some sentences to remember 1. He was a Ming dynasty explorer whom we Chinese people are proud of. 2. His last ocean journey was more than half a century earlier than Columbus’ first journey to America. 3. It’s hard to believe! 4. What a great explorer! 5. He is really the pride of China. 6. He died of illness on his way home from Africa in 1433. Choose the correct answers 1. The young man_____ is giving a speech is our English teacher. A. which B. what C. whom D. who 2. I succeeded in _____ the driving license test yesterday. A. pass B. passing C. passed D. to pass 3. Mao Zedong was born in 1893.He ____ in 1976 at the age of 83. A. passed away B. ran away C. died of D. went away 4. – ______ great picture! Who painted it? – Sorry. I don’t know. A. How B. What C. How D. What a 1.以……为骄傲 __________ __________ ……的骄傲 __


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