人教版选修8-Unit 3 Inventors and inventions reading同课异构.ppt

人教版选修8-Unit 3 Inventors and inventions reading同课异构.ppt

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人教版选修8-Unit 3 Inventors and inventions reading同课异构

Unit3 Reading 授课人:覃凌凤 2016.05.25 An amphibious car水陆两用汽车 It is an invention Stephenson’s “Rocket” It is an invention DNA It is a discovery. Molecule of DNA an invention a discovery universal gravitation the electric bulb Work out the rules that will help you decide what a discovery is and what an invention is. An invention is ____________________ __________________________________. A discovery is ______________________ __________________________________. already existing in nature but not yet known finding out something created by human beings not existing before something that was Let’s work out the connection between discoveries and inventions: _________ often lead to ________. Discoveries inventions Pre-reading: Look at the pictures, what inventions can you think of? submarine Skim the whole passage and get the main idea: The text narrates ____________of the snakes and presents the procedures of _____________ them and applying for __________. the problem a patent catching/trapping Divide the text into four parts and match the main idea for each paragraph. Part I Part II Part III Part IV (Para.1) D. The discovery of the problem of the snakes. (Paras2-3) A. The research on the approaches to solve the problem. (Para. 4-6) C. The attempts to catch the snakes. (Para.7-8) B. The requirement of getting a patent. Read the passage carefully and do the following two exercises. Find out which paragraph or paragraphs deal with each inventing process in the passage and find the examples: paragraph Stages Examples in this story Find a problem Snakes came near my mother’s house now and then and my mother wanted to ________ them without ___________________ them. Do research I set about researching the ______ of snakes to find the easiest way to trap them. 1 2 get rid of hurting / harming habits Think of a creative solution Three possible __________: __________their habitat. __________ them into a trap using perfume


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