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临床医学专业(五年制)本科人才培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Clinical Medicine (5-year’s schooling) 一、培养目标 Ⅰ. Educational Objectives 本专业培养具有良好素质的初级医师,这种素质确保其毕业后作为医生时在上级医师指导下,从事安全有效的医疗实践,保证他们有适当的基础能够进行终身学习和在医学某一学科领域内进一步深造。 This program aims at cultivating elementary doctors of high quality that guarantees that they can engage in medical practice with effectiveness and security after graduation under the guidance of senior doctors, and that they have proper foundation to go on study through their lives and make advanced study in a certain discipline field of the medical science. 二、基本规格要求 II.Basic standard required Students of this specialty should master basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills of medicine needed for medical practice and possess good thought and morals and job attitude so as to lay a firm foundation for the continued education after graduation. Graduates should acquire the following morals, knowledge and abilities: 态 度 要 求 1.树立科学的世界观、人生观和价值观,具有爱国主义和集体主义精神,愿为医学科学事业发展贡献力量。 2.树立关爱病人观念,尊重病人人格,保护病人隐私;坚持以预防疾病发生、减轻和驱除患者的病痛为己任,认识到提供临终关怀的道德责任。 3.充分认识医患沟通与交流的重要性,并积极与病人及病人家属进行交流,使其充分理解和配合诊疗计划的制订与实施。 4.树立成本效益观念,注重合理用药,选择合理的诊治方案,充分掌握公平有效分配和合理使用有限资源的原则,充分利用可用资源达到康复的最大效益。 5.树立终身学习观念,充分认识到不断自我完善和接受继续教育的重要性。 6.树立正确的医学伦理观念,尊重个人信仰,尊重每一个人,理解其人文背景及文化价 值。 7.树立实事求是的科学态度,对超出自己的业务能力而不能有效安全处理的医疗活动,主动寻求其他医师的帮助。 8.始终将病人及社区的健康利益作为自己的职业责任。 9.具有创新精神和敢于怀疑、敢于分析批判的精神,具有为新知识产生、新技能的发现做出贡献的意识。 10.尊重同仁,树立团队意识。 11.树立依法行医的观念,学会用法律保护病人和自身的权益。 Attitude requirements Establish scientific outlook on world, life and values, have patriotism and collectivism spirit, and wish to contribute to the development of medical science. Establish the idea of caring about patients, respect patients’ personality, protect patients’ personal secrets; adhere to the prevention of diseases and alleviation of patients’ sufferings as your own duty, and realize the ethical responsibility of providing end-of-life care. Fully realize the importance of communications between doctors and patients and commun


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