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摘 要 直流输电是电力系统中迅速发展的一项新技术。主要应用于远距离大容量输电、电力系统联网、远距离海底电缆或大城市地下电缆送电、配电网络的轻型直流输电等方面。直流输电与交流输电相互配合,构成现代电力传输系统。随着电力系统技术需求的不断增长和提高,直流输电受到广泛的关注和发展。与直流输电相关的技术,如电力电子、微电子、计算机控制、绝缘新材料、光纤、超导、仿真以及电力系统运行、控制和规划等的发展,为直流输电开辟了广阔的应用前景。 由上可见,高压直流输电具有线路输电能力强、损耗小、两侧交流系统不需同步运行、发生故障时对电网造成的损失小等优点,特别适合用于长距离点对点大功率输电,而采用交流输电系统便于向多端输电。交流与直流输电配合,将是现代电力传输系统的发展的趋势。 本文在论述了直流输电基本概念、构成、发展及主要设备的基础上,讨论了直流输电的基本工作原理、各部分元件的选择、谐波问题、换流器控制方式以及远距离输电线的电晕危害与对通信线的干扰分析等,从而对直流输电有较全面的认识。 关键词:高压直流输电,谐波,滤波器,晶闸管,控制,12脉波换流器 ABSTRACT HVDC is a new technology in the rapid development of power systems. Mainly used in large-capacity long-distance transmission, power system interconnection, long distance submarine cable or Metropolitan underground cable transmission, distribution network and other aspects of HVDC Light. HVDC transmission and exchange with each other to form a modern power transmission system. With the growing demand for electric power system technology and improved HVDC widespread attention and development. HVDC and related technologies, such as power electronics, microelectronics, computer control, insulation and new materials, optical, superconductivity, simulation, and power system operation, development control and planning for HVDC has opened up broad prospects. As seen above, HVDC transmission line has a strong, low loss, both sides exchange system without synchronous operation, the event of failure of the grid losses, etc, and is particularly suitable for long distance point to point high-power transmission, and the use of AC transmission system facilitates the multi-terminal transmission. AC and DC transmission with, will be the trend of development of modern power transmission systems. This paper discusses the HVDC basic concepts form the basis of development and major equipment, discusses the basic principle of DC transmission, electrical choose various parts of elements, harmonic problems, inverter control and remote transmission line


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