电影复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元Avengers.Age of Ultron2015剧本中英文对照完整版.doc

电影复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元Avengers.Age of Ultron2015剧本中英文对照完整版.doc

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电影复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元Avengers.Age of Ultron2015剧本中英文对照完整版

1立即向上面汇报你的情况 Report to your stations immediately... 2 这不是演习 this is not a drill. 3 我们遭到攻击 We are under attack. 4 我们遭到攻击 We are under attack. 5 日了狗了 Shit. 6 注意言辞 Language. 7 贾维斯 从上面看状况如何 Jarvis whats the view from upstairs. 8 中央的建筑被某种能量盾保护了 The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. 9 斯特拉克的科技水平 Struckers technology is 10 远远超出了我们已知的其他九头蛇基地 well beyond any other Hydra base weve taken. 11 洛基的权杖一定在这里 Lokis scepter must be here. 12 没有它 斯特拉克没有它就安装不了这种防御系统 Strucker couldnt mount this defense without it. 13 终于要结束了 At long last. 14 结束的过程还真有点长 男孩们 At long last is lasting a little long, boys. 15 是呀 我想我们还少点惊喜呢 Yeah, I think we lost the element of surprise. 16 等一下 就没人想要吐槽一下 Wait a second, no one else is gonna deal 17 队长刚才说了“注意言辞”这件事吗 with the fact that Cap just said Language? 18 我就知道 I know. 10019 手滑而已 Just slipped out. 20 谁让你们进攻的 Who gave the order to attack? 21 斯特拉克先生 复仇者们 Herr Strucker, its the Avengers. 22 他们降落在远处的树林里 那附近的警卫们惊慌失措 They landed in the far woods, the perimeter guard panicked. 23 他们毫无疑问是为了权杖而来的 They have to be after the scepter. 24 - 我们能搞定他们吗 - 他们可是复仇者啊 - Can we hold them? - Theyre the Avengers!! 25 把其余的坦克都部署过去 集中火力攻击其中较弱的一个 Deploy the rest of the tanks. Concentrate fire on the weak ones. 26 一次重创可以把他们集中起来 A hit can make them close ranks. 27 我们所有的努力 Everything weve accomplished. 28 我们马上就要到突破口了 Were on the verge of our greatest breakthrough. 29 那就让他们见识一下我们的厉害 Then lets show them what weve accomplished. 30 派出双胞胎 Send out the twins. 31 太草率了 Its too soon. 32 让他们来就是干这个的 Its what they signed up for. 33 我的人能拖住他们 My men can hold them. 34 长官 城市受到攻击了 Sir, the city is taking fire. 35 好吧 我们都了解斯特拉克 Well, we know Strucker 36 他才不会关心平民的伤亡 isnt gonna worry about civilian casualties. 37 派钢铁军团过去 Send in the Iron Legion. 38 这个地方不安全 请赶快撤离 This quadrant is unsafe, please back away. 39 我们来这是为了帮忙的 We are here to help. 40 这个地方不安全 请赶快撤离 This quadrant is unsafe, please back away. 41 请赶快撤离 Please back away. 42 我们希望避免间接伤害 We wish to avoid collateral damage 43 当冲突结束之后 我们会


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