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我们怎么会狼狈至此How did we end up here? 这地方糟透了This place is horrible. 一股卵蛋味Smells like balls. 我们不属于这个鬼地方We dont belong in this shithole. 该死Shit. -萨姆 -爸爸- Hey, Sam. - Dad, 宝贝 你要什么...闭嘴Hi, hon. what kind of... Shut up! 你要什么花来着What kind of flowers did you say you wanted? 羽衣草 或者其他好闻的花Alchemillas, or something that smells nice. -能稳定情绪的 -这些花都一股泡菜味儿- You know, something soothing. - It all smells like fucking kimchi! 好吧 那看着好看的Okay, something that looks nice. -别是玫瑰就行 -我讨厌干这个- You know, anything but roses, okay? - I hate this job. 里根 第一幕第四场已各就各位Riggan, everyones set for one-four. 就等你了Theyre ready for you. 里根 就等你了Riggan, theyre ready for you. 保罗 等等汤姆森先生Paul, just wait for Mr. Thomson. -汤姆森先生 -史蒂夫- Mr. Thomson. - Steve. 我叫丹尼尔Its Daniel. 好吧Okay. 伙计Oh, hey, buddy. 你好吗How you doing? 很好 很好Pretty good. Good. 要是能让拉尔夫退出演出的话You know, Id be a lot better if I could get, uh, 我会好得多Ralph to stop, you know, acting. -没事的 -对对对- Its gonna be fine. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. 他还喊 我爱你 我爱你 贱人And he was yelling, I love you, I love you, bitch. 你能拿这样的爱怎么办What do you do with a love like that? 怎么会 你知道那不是爱How is th... That is not love, and you know it. 你为什么非要管那叫爱Why do you insist on calling it love? 随你怎么说You can say what you want, 但我知道那是什么but I know what it was. 你呢 尼克What about you, Nick? 你觉得那是爱情吗Does that sound like love to you? 抱歉我迟到了 你问我吗Sorry Im late. Uh, does that sound like love to me? 那你就问错人了Look, Im the wrong person to ask. 我过来时才第一次听说这个人I only knew... heard the mans name mentioned in passing. 谁知道呢 你得先搞清楚具体情况I wouldnt know. Youd have to know the particulars. 但我想你的意思是But I think what youre saying is, -爱是绝对的 对吧 -没错- love is absolute, right? - Yeah. 没错 我说的那种爱是Yeah. The kind of love Im talking about is... 我所说的那种爱情中the kind of love Im talking about, 你不会想着要去杀人you dont try and kill people. 那是爱 梅尔 对于埃迪而言 那是爱It was love, Mel. To Eddie, it was. 我不在乎别人说什么I dont care what anyone says. 他都做好殉情的准备了He was ready to die for it. 问问她把人甩了以后都做了什么Ask her what he d



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