光纤通信技术基础 陈根祥 光电子技术基础4.pptVIP

光纤通信技术基础 陈根祥 光电子技术基础4.ppt

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晶体光学和电光器件 Crystal Optics and Electro-Optic Devices (二) * * Integrated Mach-Zehnder Optical Modulators Device Structure z x y Operating Principle Bias Voltage Electro-Optic Directional Couplers and Modulators Device Structure Basic Principle Consider only the coupling between TE fields: x y The general coupled wave Eqs. become: Δβ = βA- βB = 0 for V= 0. Phase matching condition is perfectly satisfied and the two fields are strongly coupled. The power in A will be transferred to B. For V ≠ 0, Δβ ≈ 2Δn(2π /λ). Δn = (1/2)noγ22(V/d). The phase mismatch will destroy the coupling between the two fields and the power transfer decays. If A and B are exactly the same, we have: Solutions to The Coupled Wave Equations Coupling Coefficiency Standard Form of The CWE Solutions Solutions For Δβ = 0, Generally: Summary Length of the Coupler for Fully Power Transfer for Δβ = 0 (V = 0) and Switching Voltage for and Coupling Efficiency V = 0 High Frequency Modulation: A Simple Case Structure and Equivalent Circuit Effective Applied Voltage Rs is the internal resistance of the signal source; Ceo = ε S/d is the capacitance of the modulator Reduce Rs and Ceo = ε S/d to achieve high frequency modulation High Frequency Modulation: Improvement Modulation Bandwidth Equivalent Circuit The Effective Applied Voltage The efficiency is maximum at ω = ω0 is the center frequency of the modulator Rp should be properly selected Reduce Rs , L, and Ceo to achieve high frequency modulation Comments Transit-Time Limitations EO Retardation under High Speed Modulation The EO phase retardation due to a low frequency field E can be written as: is the transit-time For high speed modulation field E(t), the retardation should be: Transit-Time Reduction Factor Consider a sinusoid applied field: is the reduction factor For ωmτ 1, r = 1, and Δφ = aE(t)L The Highest Modulation Frequency r = 0.9 for ωmτ =π/2, (fm)max= c/(4nL). For n =2.2, L = 1cm, (fm)max=3.4GHz Traveling-Wave M


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