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湘西高湿低温区生产性引种日本落叶松造林成效初报 向祖恒1,何选松1, 彭文和1, 向明1, 钟青山2 (1.龙山县林业局,湖南 龙山 416800;2.龙山县万宝山林场,湖南 龙山 416800) 摘要:龙山县于2000年春开始生产性引种日本落叶松,在湘西高湿低温的中山区率先大面积栽培,引种结果表明:7.5年生(含苗龄2年)林分平均树高4.39m,平均胸径4.58cm,树高年均生长量0.58m,胸径年均生长量0.61cm,生长量与湖北建始县一致,达到国内一类生产水平;龙山县是日本落叶松的适生区;日本落叶松喜冷凉气候,抗雨淞能力特强,适宜在海拔900m以上的中山区栽培;日本落叶松耐水湿性弱,不能在低洼、积水地及排水不良的平地栽培。 关键词:日本落叶松;生产性引种;造林;高湿低温区;龙山县;湖南 中图分类号:S722.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5710(2006)03-0017-05 The afforestation effect of productive introduction of Larix leptolepis in high-wet low-temperature area of southern Hunan XIANG ZU-heng1,HE Xuan-song1,PENG Wen-he1, XIANG Ming1,ZHONG Qing-shan2 (1.Forestry Bureau of Longshan County,Southern Hunan Autonomous Perfecture 416800,China;2.Wanbaoshan Forest Farm of Longshan County, Southern Hunan Autonomous Perfecture 416800,China) Abstract: The productive introduction of Larix leptolepis was in Longshan County in spring of 2000,firstly the plantation was in large area of high-wet low-temperture middle high mountain area in southern Hunan.The result of introduction experiment showed that: the 7.5 gears old tree’s average height was 4.39 m and average breast diameter was 4.58 cm. The height growth was 0.58 m per year and breast diameter growth was 0.61cm per year. The growth volume was simillar with Jianshi county of Hubei province, it growth level reached first group in China. The Longshan county is a growth suitable area for Larix leptolepis. Larix leptolepis has low-temperture and anticrime rain charaters; it can be afforested in middle high mountain area up an elevation of 900 meters. Larix leptolepis was weak in anti-water and wet, so it couldn’t afforest in low-lying land, collected water land and not good drainage land. Key Words: Larix leptolepis ; productive introduction ;afforestion ; high-wet low-temperture area ;Longshan county ; Hunan 日本落叶松(Larix leptolepis)是松科落叶松属落叶大乔木,原产于日本本州岛,1884年引入山东崂山,20世纪30~1250万株,引进种子1200kg,培育苗木680万株,共营造日本落叶松林10000 hm2,成为湖南省率先大规模发展日本落叶松的第一县,将日本落叶松生产性栽培向南推至北纬28°46′。 现根据龙山县历年试验、观察


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