一类不确定离散系统的生存性判别 determining viability for a class of uncertain discrete systems.pdfVIP

一类不确定离散系统的生存性判别 determining viability for a class of uncertain discrete systems.pdf

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一类不确定离散系统的生存性判别 determining viability for a class of uncertain discrete systems

绗?9 鍗 绗? 鏈 鎺 鍒 涓 鍐 绛 2014 骞 5 鏈 Vol. 29 No. 5 Control and Decision May 2014 鏂囩珷缂栧彿: 1001-0920 (2014) 05-0867-06 DOI: 10.13195/j.kzyjc.2013.0107 涓€绫讳笉纭畾绂绘暎绯荤粺鐨勭敓瀛樻€у垽鍒 1,2 1 闄 寰 , 楂 宀 (1. 涓婃捣鐞嗗伐澶у绠$悊瀛﹂櫌锛屼笂娴?00093 锛?. 瀹佹尝宸ョ▼瀛﹂櫌鐞嗗闄紝娴欐睙瀹佹尝315211) 鎽 瑕? 鐮旂┒涓€绫婚潪绾挎€т笉纭畾绯荤粺鐨勭敓瀛樻€ч棶棰? 鍩轰簬鏀拺鍑芥暟, 缁欏嚭浜嗘绯荤粺鍦ㄥ嚫绱ч泦涓嬪彲鐢熷瓨鐨勫厖瑕佹潯浠? 褰 鐢熷瓨鍩熶负澶氶潰浣撴椂, 鍒嗗埆閽堝澶氶潰浣撳拰鐨勫舰寮忓拰浜ょ殑褰㈠紡缁欏嚭浜嗙郴缁熺敓瀛樼殑鍏呭垎鏉′欢. 鏈€鍚庣粰鍑虹殑绠椾緥琛ㄦ槑浜嗘墍鎻 鍑烘柟娉曠殑鏈夋晥鎬? 鍚屾椂琛ㄦ槑鎵€寰楃粨鏋滃疄闄呬笂缁欏嚭浜嗘煇绫诲垏鎹㈢郴缁熺殑鐢熷瓨鎬ф潯浠? 鍏抽敭璇岤 涓嶇‘瀹氱郴缁燂紱鍒囨崲绯荤粺锛涚敓瀛樻€ 涓浘鍒嗙被鍙耳 TD350 鏂囩尞鏍囧織鐮? A Determining viability for a class of uncertain discrete systems CHEN Zheng1,2 , GAO Yan1 (1. Management School锛孶niversity of Shanghai for Science and Technology 锛孲hanghai 200093锛孋hina 锛?. School of Sciences锛孨ingbo University of Technology 锛孨ingbo 315211 锛孋hina 锛嶤orrespondent 锛欳HEN Zheng锛孍-mail: chenzheng@nbut.edu.cn) Abstract: The problem of viability for a class of nonlinear uncertain systems is studied. A suf铿乧ient and necessary condition of viability for the convex compact set under this system via support functions is presented. When the viable set is a polytope, suf铿乧ient conditions for the sum form and intersection form of the polytope are given to determine the viability. Finally, a numerical example is presented to illustrate the result, and the example shows that the main result also gives a condition of viability for a kind of switched systems. Key words: uncertain system 锛泂witched system锛泇iability 0 寮曞紩寮 瑷€瑷€瑷€ 鏈枃瀵逛竴绫昏緝涓轰竴鑸殑绂绘暎闈炵嚎鎬т笉纭畾绯荤粺 鐢熷瓨鎬ч棶棰樻槸鐩墠鎺у埗鐞嗚涓渶鐑棬鐨



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