利用本质矩阵对球形全景核线进行推导与分析 the derivation and analysis of spherical panorama epipolar line based on essential matrix.pdfVIP

利用本质矩阵对球形全景核线进行推导与分析 the derivation and analysis of spherical panorama epipolar line based on essential matrix.pdf

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利用本质矩阵对球形全景核线进行推导与分析 the derivation and analysis of spherical panorama epipolar line based on essential matrix

第28 卷 第 5 期 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 Vol. 28 No.5 2016 年5 月 Journal of Computer-Aided Design Computer Graphics May 2016 利用本质矩阵对球形全景核线进行推导与分析 1,2) 2) 3) 1)* 刘 帅 , 陈 军 , 孙 敏 , 赵伶俐 1) (红河学院工学院 蒙自 661100) 2) ( 国家基础地理信息中心 北京 100048) 3) (北京大学遥感与地理信息系统研究所 北京 100871) (zll_csu@126.com) : 针对立体全景构模中缺乏核线特性规律分布研究及其可靠性检验的问题, 通过对球形全景影像的投影几何 进行深入分析, 利用计算机多视几何的本质矩阵建立该类影像的核线几何模型, 推导出数学方程及轨迹特性, 并对 其分布规律进行了统计分析, 为核线在球形全景影像中的应用提供了理论基础. 实验结果证明, 文中推导的球形全 景核线方程是正确的, 在实际应用中是可行的. :全景影像; 本质矩阵; 核线; 球形投影几何; 影像匹配 :TP391.41 The Derivation and Analysis of Spherical Panorama Epipolar Line Based on Essential Matrix Liu Shuai1,2), Chen Jun2), Sun Min3), and Zhao Lingli1)* 1) (College of Engineering, Honghe University, Mengzi 661100) 2) (National Geomatics Center of China, Beijing 100048) 3) (Institute of Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing, Peking University, Beijing 100871) Abstract: The epipolar geometry is a core issue in computer vision and close-range digital photogrammetry, which could limit the search range to improve calculation efficiency and reliability of the matching. Cur- rently, epipolar constraint has achieved a wide range of applications in the traditional center of the projected images and satellite images. However, it made greater difficulties for panorama because of the different geometric modeling and projection transformation, especially lacking research on the distribution and reli- ability test of the epipolar line. So the paper constructs the panoramic epipolar geometry based on essential matrix, der



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