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企业家精神 李启元: 打造一个全面的比特币公司 文/张宁宁 36 TheLINK 2014 第二期 Entrepreneurial Spirit Bobby Lee’s Bullish about Bitcoin By Zhang Ningning 今年38岁的李启元(EMBA 2012)出生于非洲象牙海岸(科特迪瓦),就读于美国的 精英寄宿中学,从斯坦福大学毕业后,他在加州的雅虎当了八年工程师。2006年李 启元来到中国,2011年担任沃尔玛中国首席技术官,而在中欧国际工商学院就读 EMBA的经历,帮助他完成了从技术到管理、从打工到创业的华丽转身,成为了比特 币中国的联合创始人和首席执行官。 In the 38 years since he was born on the Ivory Coast, Bobby Lee (EMBA 2012) has graced the halls of an elite boarding school in America, went on to Stanford, and after graduating then spent five years as an engineer at Yahoo! Group. He had travelled a long way from West Africa where his parents, Chinese immigrants, had established a slippers factory. He changed Continents again in 2006, arriving in China to take 李启元 Bobby Lee on his new role as an engineer at EMC. Five years later he was Walmart China’s VP of technology. Now, he is Co-Founder and CEO of BTC China, the country’s most successful Bitcoin exchange. Read on as he explains what it’s like to be in the Bitcoin business which still remains a mystery to many. 009年,比特币诞生于日本人中本聪的电脑。2013年下 In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin on a 半年,它步入了大众视野,一个比特币的价格从年初的 computer. In the second half of 2013, the world began to 100元人民币攀升至11月的8000元。价格的大幅波动 2 sit up and take notice. The price of a single Bitcoin surged 吸引了媒体和相关部门的关注,但成为焦点有时未必是好事, from RMB 100 at the beginning of the year to RMB 8,000 去年12月,中国人民银行发布通知,要求商家不得接受比特币 in November 2013. Yet, increased attention does not 付款,并禁止银行与支付处理商将比特币兑换成人民币,比特 necessarily mean good news. Bitcoin’s value surge also 币的价格应声跌破3000元;


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