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Appreciating Cinema Part One: Categorization of genres Genre Social Drama Romance Gangster War film Science fiction Fantasy Western Disaster Crime Epic Action Musical _____________________________________________________________________Blockbuster Film noir Comedy intended to generate laughter Horror intended to horrify Thriller intended to thrill Part Two: The basic stories There are a limited number of stories that form the basis for all fictional narratives. ·Achilles Example: Superman ·Candide Example: Forrest Gump ·Cinderella Example:Pretty Woman ·Circe Example:Fatal Attraction ·Faust Example:Wall Street ·Orpheus Example: Born on the Fourth of July ·Romeo and Juliet Example: Shakespeare in Love, Ghost 稵ristan The Graduate 稵he Wandering Jew Example: The English Patient Part Three: ntThe Classic Three-Act Linear Structure(经典三幕式直线结构) The majority of Hollywood films employs the classic three-act linear structure(or a variation of it). The three-act structure implies that the film can be divided into three acts. Act 1 would normally be expected to occupy the first quarter of the film; Act 2 would occupy the next half; and Act 3 would occupy the final quarter. Each act has a different function. For a typical two—hour Hollywood film, the act divisions would be as follows. Act Time Function Act 1 0-30 minutes set-up Act 2 30-90 minutes development (conflict and confrontation) Act 3 90-120 minutes  resolution and denouncement (结局)’s Journey Structure英雄旅程结构 The hero’s journey narrative forms the underlying narrative structure of many myths and legends; and it is also to be found in many successful Hollywood films. The narrative occurs in a number of stages, which can be simplified as follows: Call to adventure Journey thr



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