人教版-14单元英语section-A-1I-remember-meeting-all-of-you-in-Grade-7 A 3a-3c.pptVIP

人教版-14单元英语section-A-1I-remember-meeting-all-of-you-in-Grade-7 A 3a-3c.ppt

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人教版-14单元英语section-A-1I-remember-meeting-all-of-you-in-Grade-7 A 3a-3c.ppt

2.Ability Objects Enable students to learn how to use remember doing sth. Be able to understand the poem 3.Moral Objects Cherish today, and study hard 珍惜今天,努力学习。 Reading 1. fast reading and find some activities in the old days. Reading 2. careful reading and finish the following task. 阅读下列材料,根据其内容选择最佳答案。 1.According to the poem, we can guess the writer is probably ________ of the junior high school.   A.a coach B.a teacher C.a graduate 2.From one part of the poem, we know the writer used to be a ________ person at school.   A.shy B.good??? C.cute 3.The writer thinks English is a subject which is full of ________.   A.words B.challenges C.meanings 4.The underlined sentence “I’m trying to keep my cool” means _____ in Chinese.   A.我一定让自己很酷 B.我保持清新的模样 C.我极力保持冷静 5.In the poem, the writer mentioned several beautiful memories of ________.   A.the school life B.school sports day C.the art festival 知识点 1、回顾 Look back at 3、overcoming overcome (v.)克服,战胜 动词的三种形式 (overcome overcame / overcome) 4、prepare for 为……做准备 (n.) preparation准备 prepare to do sth.准备做某事 6、its time to graduate (毕业) its time to...该是……的时候了 It‘s time to have lunch. It‘s time to go to school. It‘s time for graduation (毕业) It‘s time for lunch. It‘s time to for school. It‘s time for sports. It‘s time for ceremony 现在到了毕业的时候 我们将离开深爱的母校 很难相信,三年的时光悄然已过 我在尽力让自己保持冷静, 不让眼泪洒落 忍住不哭是多么的艰难 我将思念校园里的一草一木 还有那些善良体贴的老师们 将变成我美好的回忆,直到永远! Homework Read the poem and write a short passage about a person or event that you will never forget. PPT模板:/moban/ PPT素材:/sucai/ PPT背景:/beijing/ PPT图表:/tubiao/ PPT下载:/xiazai/ PPT教程: /powerpoint/ 资料下载:/ziliao/ 范文下载:/fanwen/ 试卷下载:/shiti/ 教案下载:/jiaoan/ PPT论坛: PPT课件:/kejian/ 语文课件:/kejian/yuwen/ 数学课件:/kejian/shu


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