OEM 质量策划协议-中英对照----Jenny.doc

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OEM 质量策划协议-中英对照----Jenny

QUALITY PLAN AGREED BETWEEN PRODUCT SUPPLIER AND ELECTROLUX. OEM 质量计划(策划)和质量协议(业已经供应商和伊莱克斯双方认可) Purpose is to have developed an agreed understanding of what will be done to improve the quality performance in the final market of those products purchased by Electrolux from the Supplier. 目的: 建立一个供应商和伊莱克斯双方在最终产品质量如何改进上取得一致理解的机制。 Updated 8th July 2006 Contents: 内容 A Foreward A 序言 B Quality Plan B质量计划 C General Audits and Inspection Procedures C 日常审核和验货程序 D Ongoing Product Confirmation D 产品生产确认 E Field Service Data D 售后维修数据 F Consumer Replacements F 顾客退换产品 Exhibit A. Schematic of Quality Plan for Sourced Products 附件A: OEM产品检查和确认质量计划(OEM 质量策划架构图) Exhibit B. Outgoing Quality Audits 附件B: 生产确认(出厂前产品质量验证) Exhibit C. Schedule of Defect Types 附件C: 产品质量缺陷分类 Exhibit D. Supplier’s on line test procedures 附件D: 供方在线检测流程 Exhibit E. Supplier’s end of line audit procedures 附件E: 供方终检流程 Exhibit F. Supplier’s product confirmation test procedures 附件F: 供方产品确认试验流程(供方产品可靠性试验流程) Exhibit G. Supplier’s extended or life testing procedures 附件G:供方延展或者寿命测试流程 A. FOREWARD 序言 1. The following does not replace any existing Supply Contract and accompanying Quality Schedule but seeks to document and explain in greater detail and include improvements that enables the two companies learn from experiences and continuously improve the quality of the products supplied. 本策划条款不能代替已经和供应商签订的任何与质量相关的协议和附件,只是力求对这些协议和附件做更精准的解析,以利于双方相互交流和学习,持续改进产品的质量。 2. It is proposed that the contents of this paper would apply to all products supplied to Electrolux regardless of which Electrolux countries/companies the products are shipped to so that there is one consistent approach to quality for all Electrolux products. Supply of products to Electrolux North America may have requirements not covered by this paper. 本策划条款适用于全球伊莱克斯产品(北美市场除外),无论在哪个国家或地区销售,都是执行同一标准。 3. Not covered in here (yet) but equally important is a charting of who talks to whom about what etc. 任何条款都不可能规定所有的细节,本策划条款也不例外。因此双方在日常工作沟通交流所达成的任何事项,即


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