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危险货物/污染危害性货物安全适运申报单 Declaration on Safety and Fitness of Dangerous Goods / Hazardous Goods (包装货物) (Packaged) 进港Arrival□/出港Departure□ 发货人: Shipper: 收货人: Consignee: 承运人 Carrier 船名和航次 : Ship’s name Voyage NO. : 装卸港: Port of Loading: 卸货港: Port of Discharging : 货物标记和编号,如适用,组件的识别符号或登记号: Marks Nos, of the Goods, if applicable, identification or registration number(s) Of the unit 正确运输名称*、危险类别、危规编号;包装类**、包件的种类和数量、闪点℃(闪杯)**、控制及应急温度**、货物为海洋污染物**、应急措施编号*** Proper shipping name*,IMO hazard class/ division, UN number, packaging group**, number and kind of packages, flash point (℃c.c.),control and emergency temperature**, identification of the goods as MARINE POLLUTANT**, Ems No.*** 总重(kg) 净重/净量 Total weight (kg) Net weight (kg) 交付装运货物的形式: Goods delived as : □ 杂货 Break bulk cargo □ 成组件 Unitized cargo box □ 散货包装 Bulk packages □散装固体 Solid in bulk 组件类型: Type of unit : □集装箱 Container □车辆 Vehicle □罐柜 Portable tank □开敞式 Open □封闭式 Close 如适合,在方框内划“×” Inset“×”in appropriate box *仅使用专利商标/商品名称是不够的,如适合:(1)应在品名前加“废弃物”;(2)“空的未经清洁含有残余物-上一次盛装物”;(3)“限量”**如需要,见《国际危规》第2卷第3.4.6 款 ***需要时 *Proprietary/trade names alone are not sufficient. If applicable : (1)the world “WASTE” should proceed name;(2)”EMPTY/UNCLEANED” or “RESIDUE-LAST CONTAINED”;(3)”LIMITED QUANTITY” the should be added.**When required in item 3.4.6,volume 2 of the IMDG Code;***When required 附送以下单证、资料: The following documents(s) and information are submitted: 在某种情况下,需提供特殊资料证书,详见《国际危规》第1卷第5.4.4节。 In certain circumstances special information certificates are required, see paragraph 5.4.4,volume 1 of IMDG Code. 兹声明: 上述拟交付船舶装运的危险货物/污染危害性货物已按规定全部并准确地填写了正确运输名称、危规编号、分类、危险性和应急措施,需附单证齐全。包装危险货物,包装正确、质量完好;标记、标志/标牌正确、耐久。以上申报准确无误。 Declaration: I hereby declare that the contents of this declaration are fully and accurately described above by the proper shipping name, UN No., Class and EmS No. The goods are properly packaged, marked, labeled/ placarded and are in all respects in good condition for transport by sea. 申报人员姓名:


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