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Revive 《 A Chinese Odyssey》 (重温《大话西游》 ) ———Caorui Several days ago when I was free. All by coincidence. I watch the film 《 A Chinese Odyssey》again. The story in the film touched my heart deeply. There is a saying about the movie:“ If you feel it very funny when you are watching it , you are a man full of humor; If you have both laugher and cry when you finish it,and just stand there for hours ,deep in thought silently. You maybe have understand what the meaning behind the movie.” I agree with it 《大话西游》其实也不是大话。相反,它是精心设 计的人生寓言,关于得失、关于梦想与牺牲、关于爱 情与宿命的寓言。 ZhiZunbao SunWukong Many many years ago, there is a monkey . The god give him both the ZhiZunbao`s (至尊宝)character and the duty for SunWukong(孙悟空). (在很久很久以前,有一只猴子,上天给了他至尊宝的天性的同时,却又强塞给他孙悟空的使命。) ZhiZunbao SunWukong When he was ZhiZunbao,his life was full of happy.If you have remember the movie,you just can`t forget the happy he bring to us,when he was the chief of theFuToubang(斧头帮). From ZhiZunbao toSunWukong —— journey from a boy to a man When ZhiZunbao put on the hoop(紧箍咒) to be SunWukong ,he was very reluctant(无奈).But to rescue TangCeng who give the life to him and ZiXia ,the women he love most, he had no other choice. From ZhiZunbao toSunWukong —— journey from a boy to a man Just like our journey from a child to a man ,we shoulder more and more responsibilities .Which change our nature in heart, more responsibility but less happy. On the way to be SunWukong There are two important people that push him forward from ZhiZunbao to SunWukong. TangCeng(唐僧) ZiXia(紫霞)JingJing(晶晶) TangCeng When it comes to TangCeng, I have to say that he really have so many words, his mouth never stop for a minute. Just like our parents and teachers, they talk to us a lot.We are told what should we do. We are impatient to them.But indeed they give their heart to us . TangCeng But at the end of the story , TangCeng`


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