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新世纪日本对台政策调整的背景及其影响 吴寄南 内容提要:进入新世纪后,日台关系迅速升温。日本当权者出于自身战略利益,在维持 “1972 年框架”的同时,逐步放宽对日台官方往来的限制,加大对台湾渗透的力度,试图影 响岛内的政治走向以及台海两岸关系。新世纪日本当权者大幅度调整对台政策,是其走向“正 常国家”过程中调整对外战略的重要环节,反映了日本某些政治势力试图将台湾问题作为牵 制中国发展的战略筹码的意图。由于内外种种因素的制约,日本在提升日台实质关系方面还 不能不有所顾忌,在可以预见的将来尚不至于达到美国目前的水平。但是,对未来台海两岸 博弈中日本所扮演的角色必须保持足够的警惕。 关键词:日台关系 战略筹码 两岸博弈 Readjustment and Impact of Japan’s Taiwan Policy in the New Century WU Jinan [abstract] Ever since the new century, Japan-Taiwan relation had been up rapidly. Out of its own strategic interest, Japanese leaders in power, while in the name of maintaining “the 1972’s framework”, have gradually lowered the limits in concerning Japan-Taiwan official contacts, making efforts to penetrating Taiwan in an attempt to affect the political development within the island and the Cross Strait relations. The drastically readjustment of Japan’s Taiwan policy by Japanese leaders in power in the new century serves as one of the important strategic measures in its process of being a “normal state”, reflecting the intention of certain Japanese political force to make use of Taiwan issue as a strategic card to contain China’s development. But owing to being restricted by all kinds of factors domestically and abroad, Japan has to think twice before 1 promoting its substantial relations with Taiwan and in the future to come the above-mentioned promotion might no be able to reach as far as the U.S. does. However, we muse pay high attention to the role Japan plays in the Cross Strait game. [key words] Japan-Taiwan relation the strategic card the Cross Strait game 正文 日本和美国一样,是在台湾问题上介入最深的外部大国。1972 年中日邦交正常化以后, 日本政府处理涉台问题的一贯方针是强调国益


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