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电话礼仪 The telephone etiquette 1) The first impression.Hello,this is Tianjin importexport Corp. 2) Answer the phone as soon as possible. 3)Answer the phone with smile,because people can feel the smile when youre talking. 接待礼仪 Reception etiquette 重要的第一句:smile 并问候nice to meet you.,, I’m clover from ~~~~ 第二句:确定接到正确的人后,问旅途如何 how was you flight 第三句:如果客人有行李,帮忙提does you have some luggage? 带他去住的地方 we booked a hotel for you ,you should have a rest. 会见礼仪 Meeting etiquette First knew each other, they usually shake hands. Doing business in the UK, you must strictly abide by credit, promised to things, must go all out. British people treat people very polite, please, thank you all. Punctuality and keep your promise. Smoking is prohibited in formal dinner, smoking is considered offensive.. 宴请礼仪(1) Dinner etiquette Important fete activity, we in the dinner. Go to the British home, it is better to take a lower value of gifts, there would be no bribery because the cost is not much. British businessmen dont normally like catering, invited to home party, mainly in hotels,restaurants. British festivity, in a sense, is simple. They hate waste 宴请礼仪(2) Dinner etiquette Business attitude should be conservative and cautious in the UK, invited each other breakfast isnt popular in business. Generally speaking, their lunch is simple, to dinner more attention, as a meal. The British have the habit of drinking afternoon tea master often invite you to drink afternoon tea, in this case, be turned away. 感谢聆听 * * * LOGO 英国商务礼仪 Business etiquette in England 英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士及北爱尔兰 组成 英国简介 全称 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 英文名称 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Contents             电话礼仪 Telephone etiquette 接待礼仪 Reception etiquette 会见礼仪 Meeting etiquette 宴请礼仪 Dinner etiquette LOGO * * *


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