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英美文化概况问答题以及答案: What are the some of the major powers of each of the three branches of the US government? How are the three branches supposed to check and balance each other? Can political reform in China borrow anything from that? 美国政府三大部门的一些主要权利是什么?三大部门之间如何制约和平衡?中国的政治改革能否从中借鉴什么? A.What are the some of the major powers of each of the three branches of the US government? The three branches—the Legislative, the Executive, headed by the president. And the Judicial, headed by the Supreme Court. The Legislative, including both houses of Congress (the Senate and the House of Representative) 。The legislative branch(立法机构)is the only branch that can make federal laws, levy federal taxes and declare war or put foreign treaties into effect. The Executive, headed by the president. The president can appoint federal judges as vacancies occur, including members of the Supreme Court. All such court appointments are subject to confirmation by the Senate. The president has broad powers, with the executive branch, to issue regulations and directives regarding the work of the federal departments. He is the commander in chief of the armed forces. The judicial branch(司法机构) is headed by the Supreme Court with a chief justice and 8 associate justices. The Federal courts have jurisdiction over cases arising out of the Constitution and other cases which do not arise out of individual states. The Supreme Court has the judicial review power. B.How are the three branches supposed to check and balance each other? System of “checks and balances (制约与平衡的原则)” of the three-part national government works to keep serious mistakes from being made by one branch or another. C.Can political reform in China borrow anything from that? China does not make the separation, but can absorb the reasonable factors. The peoples congress system is a basic system suitable to Chinas national conditions. It directly reflects that peoples democratic dictatorship is national nature in our country, reflected the whol


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