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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Full name (Official Name):The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (U.K) Geographical name:The British Isles, Great Britain and England Nick name : John Bull The Union Flag(米字旗) also known as the “Union Jack ” The National Anthem----God Save the Queen (King) The National Flower----Rose Erithacus rubecula / Robin(知更鸟) Redbreast (红襟鸟) British Isles Great Britain England (S) ----- The largest (60% 85%) most developed / Capital---London Scotland (N) ------ The second largest (30% 1/3) / Capital---Edinburgh Wales (SW) ---- The smallest of the three (9% 5%)/ Capital---Cardiff Ireland Northern Ireland------Capital---Belfast Position: Be Situated in Northwestern Europe, lying to the north of France and the west of Netherlands and Denmark. Be separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and the North Sea in the east Geographic Features : The Highland Zone in the north and west The Lowland Zone in the south and southeast The dividing line runs from the mouth of the River Exe埃克斯河 in the southwest to near the mouth of River Tees蒂斯河 in the northeast The Highland Zone: a) The Highlands of Scotland Ben Nevis本尼维斯山 , the highest mountain in Britain, stands in North Scotland b) The Central Lowlands (Middle Valley) of Scotland Edinburgh c) The Southern Uplands d) The Pennies奔宁山脉 The Backbone of England e) The Lake District of Cambria The home of Lake Poets 湖畔诗人, Three English poets-----Robert Southey, Samuel Coleridge, William Wordsworth f) The Welsh Massif 高地 The Lowland Zone Climate and Weather Maritime climate海洋性 (Moderated by the Atlantic Ocean) Changeable weather More than one half of the days are cloudy. More rainy days, less sunny days. More fogs smog in winter. Inland Water The largest river---the Severn River塞汶河 (empties into the Bristol Strait布里斯托尔海峡) The second largest river most important river---the


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