英语-牛津译林版七下英语课件UNIT 8 PETS REVISION(共36张PPT).ppt

英语-牛津译林版七下英语课件UNIT 8 PETS REVISION(共36张PPT).ppt

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英语-牛津译林版七下英语课件UNIT 8 PETS REVISION(共36张PPT)

Where do cats sleep ? Fish have ____and ____to swim around. Give them homes. Give them food and water. Do other things to take care of them and make them happy. walk pull frighten brush keep teach put clean change take You must _______ the dog once a day if you want it to be healthy. You should not ________ the timid(胆小的)cat. You should _______ the dog’s fur. You should _____ the fish tank clean three times a week. You must _______ the water for the goldfish once a week. You shouldn’t ______ the rabbit’s ears. You should _______your parrot to speak. You mustn’t ______ the goldfish out of the tank. 1)肯定祈使句:用动词原形开头,可通过please使命令的口气变得客气一点。Please可放在句首,或放在句尾时,通常用逗号与句子的前面部分隔开。 祈使句的反意疑问句 Put the book over there, _______ ? Don’t leave your pet alone, _______ ? Let us walk the dog,___________? Let’s clean the fish tank, _______ ? “must” “should” 情态动词must意为“必须”,表示一种义务,主动去承担.否定mustn’t表示“不许可”,表示一种禁止.must可表示现在或将来的情况.疑问式的否定回答常用”needn’t”. 情态动词should意为“应该”,否定形式为“shouldnt意为“不该”,他们都用来向别人提出建议,告诉别人最好做哪些事或做那些事是正确的。 中考相关语法链接 1. Cars, buses and bikes _____ stop when the traffic light is red. A. can B. must C. may D. need 2. --_____ I fill in the check-in form right, sir? --No, you needn’t. You can complete it this afternoon. A. May B. should C. Must D. Would 3. _____ I have to show the school report to my parents, Miss King? A. Must B. Do C. Can D. May 4. --Must I return the book tomorrow morning? --No, you_____. You _____ keep it for a day. A. mustn’t, may B. mustn’t, must C. needn’t, can D. needn’t, must 5. --May I go surfing alone this afternoon, Dad? --No, you _____. It is dangerous. A. may not B. can’t C. needn’t D. don’t 6. Alice has been in China for several years. She _____ be a big girl now. A. need B. must C. can D. may 7. –Look ! Mr Hu is on the other side of the street. -- It ______ be him. He has gone to Shanghai. A.


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