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说明:请以刘明的名义写一封求职信。 时间:2012年3月18日。 内容: 1.看到昨天《中国青年报》上招聘中文教师的广告,你想申请这份工作; 2.你今年28岁, 毕业于复旦大学中文系,获文学硕士学位; 3.有3年的工作经验,之前在“华文”培训构做中文教师,自认为能胜任这份工作; 4.附上个人简历,期待答复。 March 18, 2012 Dear Sirs, I read your advertisement in China Youth Daily yesterday about hiring a teacher teaching Chinese.I am very interested in it.I graduated from Chinese Department, Fudan University with a master’s degree in literature.I am 28.I have worked for three years in Huawen Training Institution after I graduated and I am sure that I can do the job well.Enclosed is my resume. I would very much appreciate it if you would give me a reply at your earliest convenience. Yours sincerely, Liu Ming 说明:假如你是一家旅行社的经理李明。当地旅游职业学院外事办的王主任4月15日给你写信,询问是否能考虑赞助他们将在6月举办的为期一周的艺术节。你给工主任写封回信。 时间:2012年4月20日。 1.对他们的艺术节表示感兴趣并理解他们的需要; 2.因为你们每年有固定的赞助预算,到明年才能考虑这一事项; 3.建议他明年再写信联系并预祝艺术节成功。 赞助sponsorship April 20, 2012 Dear Mr. Wang, I am pleased to have got your letter of April 15,which said a week-long art festival will be held in your college in June this year. I am vey interested in this activity,but I regret to say that we have a fixed budget for sponsorship each year and the sponsorship of new items will not be considered until next year.I hope you can understand it. I suggest that you contact us again next year.I hope you will have a truly fruitful art festival. Yours faithfully, r 说明:请以李军的名义写一则寻物启事。 时间:2012年3月12日。 内容:今天中午在餐厅吃饭时,将书包忘在那里。书包为棕色,里面有一本课本、一本笔记本和一个MP5。拾到者请致将当面酬谢。 Lost March 12,2012 I have lost my bookbag in the dining hall this noon.It is brown,with a book,a notebook and an MP5 in it. As its loss is causing me great inconvenience,I should appreciate it if the finder can contact me atto whom I will give my thanks in person. Li Jun 写一份简历。 1.女性; 2.出生于1988年6月15日; 3.家庭地址:山东省济南市市中区87号; 4.联系电话:136XXXX5358 5.2005~2009年在山东大学英语学院主修商务英语专业,并选修了会计和国际贸易课程, 以优异成绩毕业; 6.2009~2011年在讯达通讯公司担任经理助理,主要负责翻译和外事接待工作。 Resume Name:Wang Li Sex


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