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On Pragmatic Equivalence in Advertisement Translation by Thesis Advisor: Submitted to the B. A. Committee in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in the English Department of School of Foreign Languages of 10 May 2011 本科生毕业论文 题 目: 论广告翻译中的语用对等 学生姓名: 指导教师: 二级学院: 外国语学院 系 别: 英语系 专 业: 英 语 年 级: 学 号: 完成日期: 2011年5月10日 Title: On Pragmatic Equivalence in Advertisement Translation Abstract: With the rapid development of international business and multinational corporations, there is a growing need for efficient international advertisement communication and translation. However, in China, advertisement translation is still an under-explored field, and the traditional equivalence theories seem increasingly inadequate to meet the needs in this aspect. That is because advertisement is a very practical type of writing with high commercial or social value, and all the advertisement materials have one thing in common, that is the essence of it is to persuade the target readers. Therefore, it is necessary to combine the typical purpose and translation theories in advertisement translation. As a breakthrough in the traditional equivalence theories and an important complement to translation studies, the theory of pragmatic equivalence has opened up a new perspective to the study of advertisement translation. Pragmatic equivalence, including pragmalinguistic equivalence and sociopragmatic equivalence. Under the guidance of pragmatic equivalence theory, this paper tries to analyze and explore some effective strategies with some examples in the realization of pragmatic equivalence in advertisement translation. Key words: advertisement; advertisement translation; pragmatic equivalence; pragmalinguistic equivalence; sociopragmatic equivalence 题目:论广告翻译中的语用对等 摘要:随着国际贸易和跨国公司的飞速发展,广告翻译在国际交流中的作用日益凸显。然而在中国广告翻译尚未得到充分的发展。传统的对等翻译理论已无法适应广告翻译的客观要求。因为广告文体是一种具有极高商业和社会价值的实用文体,它的本质目的是对其目标读者产生一种极大的说服力,因此在进行广告翻译时,必须把广告的特殊目


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