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The awareness of time T:oh my god.I hate the bad weather. L:yeah, I hate waiting for connecting flights in the airport. F: Really? I think its interesting. D:What?This is a bad ending of our vacation. Dont you think its a waste of time. F: No. I use the free time to shop in the duty-free shops. L:Yes,You are a mall rat. 购物狂 T:As you know,I cherish time very much.I can’t impatient of delay. D:Clam down.Let’s talk about something to kill time. L:Good idea.Mr.Tan how do you go to work? T: I drive to work everyday. And how do you go to work? L: I usually go to work by bus or by subway F:Me ,too. Thats so convenient and comfortable. Sometimes, driving is very dangerous. Youll never know what will happen on the road. D:Besides, parking in the big city is a big problem. T:I don’t think so. I would spend almost 40 minutes in traffic jam. Its really a waste of time. It takes me about 15 minutes to get to the office. I dont have to get up so early anymore. L:I am just wondering what is considered to be a waste of time ? F; Internet games. D: idle talk. [?aidl] T: I think sleep is wasting of time. I occupy [??kjupai] the sleeping time to work,study,play games and so on. FLD: you are a workaholic. [?w?:k??h?:l?k, -?h?l?k] T:I just want to make every minute count. F: There is not a moment to be lost.it’s your principle? T:Yes. D:Oh,what time we could stand on our country? T:This airline is really bad.I can’t stand it .reture my time back to me. F:Oh,that gay told me our flight is coming.Take your baggage.Don,t forget anything. L:I feel expansive. T:This is my lines. D: just stop talking.Let’s go. Environmental Protection T: Its rather cold this summer. L: Yeah. This is June,but it isn’t very hot. D: In a word, we have abnormal weather all over the world this year. F: Absolutely. And therere so many natural disasters in recent years, such as the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake. T: There are also new diseases--SARS and H1N1, they kills a lo


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