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Insider Collection 行家会议体验 • Insider Locations 创意场地 • Insider Speakers 特邀嘉宾 • Insider Community 造福社区 • Insider Interaction 精彩互动 • Insider Breaks 别致茶歇 1 Insider Collection 行家会议体验 • Insider Locations 创意场地 Insider locations give you an opportunity to base some of your event away from the hotel .We offer exclusive access to variety of venues, allowing delegates to experience a side of the destination that visitors rarely see. 创意会场让您有机会将活动转移到酒店外举行。我们拥有丰富的经验和渠道,可安排各种 特色场地,让与会者有机会多角度了解当地人文,获得更多宝贵经验。 酒店不但有日月广场、纳西庭院等户外场地,并拥有在木府/ 东巴博物馆/ 雪山户外乐园/ 2 雪厨餐厅/ 5596 / 黑龙潭/ 四方街等场地提供外卖服务的丰富经验。 Insider Collection 行家会议体验 • Insider Speakers 特邀嘉宾 A well-chosen speaker can bring your event to life and really inspire your delegates. Insider Speakers range from celebrities and cultural experts to sporting heroes, and all have a local connection. 引人入胜的演讲往往能引起与会者的共鸣并活跃会场气氛。我们的 “特邀嘉宾”人选从名 人明星到专家学者乃至体育明星,无不与本地文化息息相关。 可邀请老东巴/ 纳西民间艺人 (古乐队、民族表演、服饰、剪纸、编织、刺绣)/ 博物馆 3 馆长/ 当地美食厨师/ 茶艺师到酒店为大家讲授当地文化及各自领域特色,更可直接移步 至相应场地去感受和体验。 Insider Collection 行家会议体验 • Insider Community 造福社区 Insider Community events allow delegates to make a positive difference to the community they are visiting. It could be anything from painting a mural at a local school or to preparing lunch in a homeless shelter. 造福社区活动让与会者得以亲身造访特定的社区,并用行动为其带来积极的影响。活动内 容丰富多彩,可以是为当地一间学校绘制墙报,也可以是为一间收容所准备午餐等等。 不局限于孤儿学校募捐/ 贫困学校发放教材及生活用品/ 孤儿院/ 福利院/ 敬老院等慈善 4 活动,更有义卖、清理古城河道等既不失团队建设又有社区意义的活动。 Insider Collection 行家会议体验 • Insider Interaction 精彩互动 We offer a range of team-building experiences which can be based on-site or in the local area. Those are original ways to engage and motivate delegates while giving them a chance to interact with their destination. 我们为与会者提


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