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32 5 ——— Vol. 32 No. 5 2 0 0 7 9 Earth Science—Journal of China University of Geosciences Sept.  2 0 0 7 曹 凯, 王国灿, 王 岸 中国地质大学地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室、中国地质大学地球科学学院, 湖北武汉 430074 :, , . , . - (“SL ”) H ack 2 , , . , H ack SL , SL ;- ; , . :;SL ;Hack ;;- . :P542    :000 - 2383(2007)05 - 07 3 - 09    :2007 - 06 - 6 The Analysis of the Tectonics and the Behavior of the Longitudinal Section of Kunlun River in East Kunlun CAO Kai, WANG Guo-can, WANG An StateKey Laboratory of GeologicalProcesses and Mineral Resources, Faculty of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China Abstract:There are strong, fresh tectonic processes and a series of active faults in the northern part of East Kunlun in Tibe-t an plateau, controlling the geomorphology and the water system of this area. Most of the active faults have been confirmed, while some are only presumed qualitatively at present. This paper introduces tw o kinds of geological factors, the Stream Lengt-h gradient index (SL index)and Hack profile, which can effectively reflect regional tectonics, and particularly d-e scribes and studies the gradient change of the longitudinal profile of the Kunlun river and the contrast of river terraces in space in Kunlun area. It show s that there exists a corresponding relationship between H ack profile and SL index of the Kun- lun river in shape and the mutation of the SL index is mainly controlled by the action of fault. We have also proved the activ-i ty of the Kunlunh-e Yeniugou fault and the central fault of east Kunlun from Quaternary, and believe that strong differentia uplift controls the geomorphologic evolution and river development of east Kunlun and w ill exert fa-r reaching influence on them. Keywords:Kunlun River;stream length-gradient index (SL index);Hack profile;terra



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