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分科三 訟辯及上訴 Sub-division III Advocacy Appeals 為了更妥善分配資源,分科二的重案檢控小組在 2015 年 11 月改屬分科三,新的分科三也 相應更改名稱。本分科在 2016 年 4 月前由譚耀豪資深大律師掌管,之後由黎婉姬資深大 律師接掌。 In November 2015, the Court Specialists Team under Sub-division II was transferred to Sub-division III for the better deployment of resources and the new Sub-division III was renamed accordingly. It was headed by Mr William Tam, SC until April 2016, when he was succeeded by Miss Anna Lai, SC. 40 分科三 ( 訟辯 ) 的律師大都是經驗豐富的訟辯律 Counsel in Sub-division III (Advocacy) are mainly experienced 師,負責在敏感或複雜的刑事審訊擔任主控官, advocates, who prosecute sensitive or complex criminal trials, as well 並以死因裁判人員的身分,協助死因裁判官召開 as assist coroners in holding death inquests in the capacity of coroner’s 死因研訊。 officer. The conclusion of a trial is not the end of the criminal process. A 審訊完結並不等於刑事法律程序已結束。被告如 convicted defendant may appeal against conviction and/or sentence 果不服被定罪,可就定罪及/或判刑提出上訴。 should he/she feel aggrieved. On the other hand, the Prosecution 另一方面,控方如認為某宗案件的判決在考慮公 may exercise the right to appeal when justice and the public interest 義和公眾利益下而必須採取補救行動,也可行使 warrant remedial actions to be taken. The appellate process is about 上訴權利 。上訴的機制旨在糾正錯誤,對香港的 rectifying errors and it is integral to the due administration of criminal 刑事司法制度能妥善運作十分重要。 justice in Hong Kong. 分科三 ( 上訴 ) 的律師定期獲委派處理各級法院 Counsel in Sub-division III (Appeals) are regularly assigned appeal cases 的上訴案件。他們也不時獲分派出庭檢控原審案 at different levels of Court. From t


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