Kahlil Gibran沙与沫与纪伯伦.ppt

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Kahlil Gibran沙与沫与纪伯伦

Kahlil Gibran 沙与沫 Born in the town of?Bsharri (卜舍里)?in the north of Lebanon?(黎巴嫩), As a young man he studied art and began his literary career, writing in both English and?Arabic. His romantic style was at the heart of a renaissance in modern Arabic literature, especially?prose poetry. In Lebanon, he is still celebrated as a literary hero. Gibran is the third best-selling poet of all time, behind?Shakespeare?and?Laozi. 纪伯伦(1883~1931)黎巴嫩诗人,散文家,画家。 美籍黎巴嫩阿拉伯作家。 被称为“艺术天才”“黎巴嫩文坛骄子”,是阿拉伯文学的主要奠基人,20世纪阿拉伯新文学道路的开拓者之一。 其主要作品有《泪与笑》《先知》《沙与沫》等,蕴含了丰富的社会性和东方精神,不以情节为重,旨在抒发丰富的情感。纪伯伦和泰戈尔一样是近代东方文学走向世界的先驱。 纪伯伦被认为是20世纪与泰戈尔比肩的东方文学大师。他们有许多相似之处。他们的作品不仅是“从东方吹来横扫西方的风暴”,也是洗涤东方的圣水。他们内心深怀着对祖国的挚爱,民族的独立、人民的自由幸福是他们苦斗的目标之一。他们都有斐然的艺术成就,有大量卓尔不凡的充满神秘色彩的绘画作品,这些作品体现出了一种源于心灵和思想的深层动力。 纪伯伦的作品多以爱和美为主题。他的思想受尼采哲学影响较大,作品常流露愤世嫉俗的态度或表现某种神秘力量。为发展阿拉伯新文学作出过重大贡献。他的作品已被译成20多种文字,最早的中文版是冰心译的《先知》。他在逝世50周年和诞辰100周年作为世界文化名人被纪念。 I am forever walking upon these shores, between the sand and the foam. The high tide will erase my footprints, and the wind blow away the foam. But the sea and the shore will remain forever. (我永远走在这些岸上,在沙与沫之间.涨潮会抹掉我的足迹,海风会吹去这泡沫.可是海与岸,却将永远存在.) It was but yesterday I thought myself a fragment quivering without rhythm in the sphere of life. Now I know I am the sphere, and all life in rhythmic fragments moves within me. 仅仅就在昨天,我觉得自己只是一块碎片,在生命的苍穹中毫无节奏的颤动着.如今我知道自己就是那苍穹,一切生命都是节奏分明的碎片,在我内心律动 Our mind is a sponge, our heart is a stream. Is it not strange that most of us choose sucking rather than running? (我们的脑是一块海绵,我们的心是溪流.然而我们大多选择吸收而非奔流,这不是很奇怪吗?) Personal opinion: we just learn instead of creating.  My house says to me:do not leave me, for here dwells your past. ?? And the road says to me:come and follow me, for I am your future. ?? And I sad to both my house and the road:I have no past, nor have I a future. If I stay here, there is a going in my staying; and if I go, there is a staying in my going. only love and death will change all things.“ (我的房子对我说:“不要离开我,这里住着你的过去。”路对我说:“跟我来吧,我是你的未来。”我对房子和路


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