Post__90s 英语演讲.ppt

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Post__90s 英语演讲

English Speech The Post-90s Food we used to eat Bubble gum 泡泡糖 GUODANPI 果丹皮 Games ,we used to play “The Post-90s” “The Post-90s” “The Post-90s” * The Post-90s----The New Generation of China 李亚萍(Kate) Class 1 of postgraduate of 2014 Basic Medicine of the Integration of the Chinese and Western Medicine What I want to talk about today is ; the post 90s , a generation who have a short but be remembered childhood is under generally debated in nowadays . 1. childhood memories of the post-90s 2. The real image of the the post-90s Cotton candy 棉花糖 小时候吃的冰棒棍积累下来的木棒, 玩的时候越紧张越容易变形, 好不容易积留的小木棒,被别人赢去了,很失落。 Sorting the wooden bat挑木棒 In childhood we ate the popsicle stick to accumulat the wooden bat . More anxious we were, more easily the stick to distort. When the wooden bat were given to others which cost our much money and time while we failed , feeling unhappy .  玩的时候,拇指和食指捏着捻转儿的上端, 用力一捻,猛地松手,它就在平整的地上或者桌面上旋转起来。  rotatinfg 捻转儿 When Play it , as soon as the thumb and index finger pinch twists transfers the upper extreme, the effort are twisting, lets go fiercely, Then it revolves on the smooth ground or the tabletop  跳房子的玩法有好多种, 其中一种是:跳者先站在田外这一端向另一端田内扔一块小瓦片, 瓦片不能出线,又不能压线,否则就算犯规。   hopscotch跳房子   The hopscotch method has many kinds, one kind is: The jumper stands first outside the field from this end throws a small tile to another end field, and the tile cannot go beyond and on a line, otherwise violating the regulation.   书的封面封底纸质硬, 是折飞机的好材料, 以致一些人新书还没有发下几天, 就撕下折了飞机。 纸飞机paper plane The cover of the book is hard , easy to fold airplane , so new books can be held for several days , which had been tore down to fold the airplane . TV Dramas The Return of The Pearl Princess 倩女幽魂 A Chinese Ghost Story 西游记 Monkey Sun Electronic products came into our lives which was the begining we got more chances to make close relation with


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