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Revision Phrases 在……的基础上 ______________ 由……组成 ________________ _______________ 与……一致,符合 ________________ Para5 How does a Chinese doctor diagnose a patient ? * Unit6 ReadingB Traditional Chinese Medicine 12 Gardening Zhao Cuifeng liver universe massage acupuncture Revision 平衡 n. _______________ 假定,设想v. _______________ 理论 n. _______________ 相互作用 n. _______________ Phenomenon _______________ 内部的 adj. _______________ complement _______________ balance assume theory interaction n. 现象 internal V. n. 补充 be based on consist of be made up of corresponding to Fast Reading: Read the text and match: Paragraph1 a. the five elements theory Paragraph2 b. the yin yang theory Paragraph3 c.the introduction of Chinese medicine Paragraph4 d.the four basic diagnostic methods Paragraph5 e.rules of readjusting balance c b a e f 1.How long is the history of Traditional Chinese Medicine ? Para1:Questions:1--3 More than five thousand years. 2.What’s the treatment methods of traditional Chinese medicine? Acupuncture and Medical massage. 3.What theories is Chinese medicine based on? The theory yin and yang and the theory of the five elements. Para2:1.Explain the yin yang theory. Everything, every phenomenon in the universe consists of two forces, yin yang. The two forces oppose and complement each other. 2.How is the yin and yang theory expressed in the human body ? The human body is made up of yin yang elements. When there’s a balance, there’s no disease .If the balance is disturbed ,a person becomes ill. Para3:1.Explain the five elements theory. It assumes that the world is made up of five elements. The elements are independent but their interaction keeps them in a state of constant change. 2.How is the five elements theory is expressed in the human body ? The human body is regarded in


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